Indoor Second closet grow LED il diavolo, la diva



Orite guys,
been a whilst since last on, posted before but my grow turned out a non auto and didn't think it was worth postin.
Anyway, second grow using led UFO 90w and hav added 2 125w cfl flowering lights. Only done this too boost it. LEDs do work they just don't give a good enough spread. these are for the sides of plants, as on my last grow the lower branches didn't get enough and I should really hav had a fan. I was kickin myself for no being fussed.
Anyway seeds are from delicious seeds got 3 diavolo 3 la diva halfing with a mate. Lucky dip lol
will post pics of set up shortly followed by hopefully rapid growth lol
They look pretty good kayadoobie....never grown them myself but 215medicineman has Il Diavalo grow and Im pretty sure ive seen la diva by a couple of ppl
Just about finished germ stage what light cycle does everyone think I should go on. I was thinking 24/0 for first 2 weeks then 20/4 after. Dunno though as my first auto.
The LA diva is very nice looking and can handle just about anything from what ive seen, 12/12 18/6, 20/4 they aint picky..Was gonna try them till i found fruit saladx pinkbud..
Think al go 20/4 whole grow, seems the best way, cheers again
First day, planted at 6pm uk time will try put pics of setup up if not YouTube it is lol
coulour of light totally different from the pink last tim with UFO alone.
More like a blinding sun.
Hopefully a good thing as the UFO budded last time nicely for me with added cfl I hope there's a big difference anyone tried adding cfl to led similar to mine?
sweet as ladiva is nice man tastey smoke
watchout later on in grow they seem to get cal/mag diff look for signs