Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

:bighug: Hey mon! :jointman: .... holy poop tea! :vibe: You gots beasts in this canna-zoo! :bow: .... TF is chest beating dude, she has hardly lost a step IMO... Not so long ago she was barely over that fence, right when it hit,.. now? :hump: ....... All of them are just thick with tops GS! They could serve as privacy hedging-:rofl:... GP, gone ape-shit,... I'm still blown away by her different finger width from the norm',...makes me really wonder how the bud will be! A pheno' thing, or maybe just env./nutritional..? :nono:-- I'm thinking she may be more skunky than typical,...:aha:
....FCJ-- neat plant, like a globe topiary,... :greenthumb:....Atomic,...atomic! :eek1: daaaamn....love the misty soft focus porn beauty shot there Mr. Director!:crying: :hump:

>> mold!-- :cuss: :finger: :cuss:.... enough on that,...:pighug:.... You know, I'm very surprised at the Moby D'! I think Dinafem even says she's not very resistant, and yet she wearing hard! ditto for the Cindy-J'- :shrug:- maybe the Sativa dominance thing?.... Stoked WWXXL is too,...:headbang:.... more good news on the CMXL,... Nashira sounds like some classic Stonedragon to me, I think I get what you mean by that "spicy" background aroma,... My Moontears had it as well,.... Interesting, on the WW CBD! I wonder, if the hemp Sativa in her is helping out with resistance even more? :eyebrows:
*** damn, gotta break off! BBL,...*** :pass:
Im pulling hard for the cindy-jack. Its what i want to run next. And im send some good karma for the photos my friend!

Thanks for the karma bud! Cindy Jack is getting close now...no mold....exceptional crystal,,,and a really nice fruity stink...looks like a winner for indoors for sure!! I think i will give one a try in the stealth cab root restricted style this winter.

@Waira - hey thanks man

Green Poison - yeah man she has very slender leaves for sure!! Nice fat ones on the Fruity Chronic and Atomic though

Think Fast - Yes she has come back to us for sure. Still quite a bit smaller than the rest of the crew(less amount of training), but things are looking pretty good with her. Thanks again for the sound advice.

FCJ - As soon as the autos are out of the way i can train her into a far less uniform shape and open up that canopy. She needs it.

Mold - Yeah i know right? Very surprised to see MOby and Cindy doing so well. The test garden autos have a good bit of overhead cover(overhanging maple on the north side), so that very much reduces light rain and daily dews.

Cream Mandarin - Found my first mold spot today, up until now she has been really good. She is getting close though...less than a week and she'll be nipped. Little early but hey i am not risking another mold fest!!

AWW XXL - The outdoor warrior of the season for sure...looking great now...nice strong crystal, nice solid formed bud, zero spotted mold. 100% growing next season.

AWW CBD - I am really quite impressed with this plant. Another week maybe more till finish. All of the autos are on water only diets now. Looks like cherry and Brooklyn Sunrise will be the first 2 to go.
Change that zero mold on the Dina Auto WWXXL to one spot...checked whole plant and didnt see anymore. Found and carefuly cut 2 more on cream mandarin. Cutting very soon, but need to salvage glueberry first.

Well yanked early cherry bomb today...scrapped a whack of premature bud....looks and smells awesome though and i salvaged quite a bit of smoke.




Damn nice crystal though!!

Evil spores!!