Outdoor Season 3: Year of the Widow's Blues Dutch vs Holland growoff photos and autos

Hey great to see you bud...been awhile!
Oh crappie nice!! We reserve the crappie for winter fishing though the ice. Get lots, just not too big. Sounds like you had a good day!! I am just biding my time until the up north trip in a few months...70+ walleye days make for some fun and great eats too!!
Salmon fishing is rather boring actually...great fun when you get one on, but you don't catch a whack of them. I'd much prefer to fish Rainbow Trout and Browns in the spring...crystal clear shallow 2 feet deep rivers 15 feet wide....small packs(2-6) of rainbows in the 20-34" size...sight the fish you want, make a perfect few casts with a mepps [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG] and they pound it! Then the test of your skill begins as the river is littered with trees and rock! Its awesome! :D Sadly i didnt get out this season for trout...just couldnt get a buddy ready to go. :shrug:
65 trout, solid season! Brook trout is the species you are after? I used to fish brookies realllllly hard in my younger days...i once set a goal to "catch 1000 trout in a season"....hard to believe, but 2 months into the season(keeping track of numbers in a journal) i had already exceeded 1400 trout. Some of the local rivers you can catch 30+ specks(brook trout) in 4 hours on small spinners like panther martin [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]. Not alot of big ones, usually a couple of 12" in a day, might get a 14", biggest for me in the creeks is an 18" brook trout.
ahh man now walleye fishing is something i need to get into! i have caught a couple but can never just target them...:shrug: we have mostly rainbows but i love the colors on the brookies! we have brown trout as well.
here are a few quick pics i have here on the computer from some trout i caught this year
the 1st few pics are pics of the biggest of the year
ahh man now walleye fishing is something i need to get into! i have caught a couple but can never just target them...:shrug: we have mostly rainbows but i love the colors on the brookies! we have brown trout as well.
here are a few quick pics i have here on the computer from some trout i caught this year
the 1st few pics are pics of the biggest of the yearView attachment 772661 View attachment 772662 View attachment 772663 View attachment 772664 View attachment 772665 View attachment 772666 View attachment 772667 View attachment 772668
Nice looking fish

Sent from my red IBM Selectric
ahh man now walleye fishing is something i need to get into! i have caught a couple but can never just target them...:shrug: we have mostly rainbows but i love the colors on the brookies! we have brown trout as well.
here are a few quick pics i have here on the computer from some trout i caught this year
the 1st few pics are pics of the biggest of the yearView attachment 772661 View attachment 772662 View attachment 772663 View attachment 772664 View attachment 772665 View attachment 772666 View attachment 772667 View attachment 772668
:drool:very nice
:drool:very nice
thank you AN!

@tripaholic88 beautiful trout bud!! Wow they sure are thick stout fish there! Yeah go get some walleye if you have them!! Fun to catch, but the taste of their meat is the best!
thanks yea im fortunate enough to live in a nice trout area. tonight im gonna go out on my boat and try to jig up some Eyes with some minnows. ill let you know how we do!
thank you AN!

thanks yea im fortunate enough to live in a nice trout area. tonight im gonna go out on my boat and try to jig up some Eyes with some minnows. ill let you know how we do!

Do you guys get any steelhead rainbow runs with big 20-30" breeder fish, or is it just resident fish all the time?
Had a look at the plants today....wow if we had a sunny summer these autos would be absolutely massive. I am really impressed all around with these strains. Finally got a day of sun yesterday and followed by 40mm of rain today...lol. Still they are looking great....cream mandarin really shot up yesterday, and unless i am mistaken(forgot my measuring tape), she is now crossing the 36" mark as well, CM is also putting on some nice smells with a nice fruity scent. Yep AWWXXL is now bigger than the rest, taking right over. She has about 6"-7" of extra height on DP's AWW, but DPs is forming some great flower(and already has excellent crystal)...DP's AWW will certainly be done a couple of weeks before the AWWXXL.
Hmm what else...DP's glueberry is growing out some great sidebranches and they look like they should pull some really nice flower. Kind of a cool comparison between Glueberry and Dinas Moby Dick XXL..similar sized plants. Nashira is filling in really well, starting to get a nice fruity smell with a rubbed leaf.

Here is where I am on outdoor impressions:
Dina AWWXXL - This plant is a true outdoor champ. Massive frame, nice strong but flexible branches. If she flowers out like she veg's I am going to be very, very happy!!
Dinafem Moby Dick XXL - She just couldnt take the adverse weather very well. A decent plant in size though....great smell and crystal so far,
DP Glueberry OG - Didnt take the harsh weather, or me falling behind in feeds very well, and is tied for smallest plant with nashira. Still a nice plant, and still growing well!!
DP Aww - She took weather well and is amongst the most advanced in flower development. Nice smell, kicking out a more fruity scent than the floral perfume(which is classic WW smell if you ask me) this time so far. Crossing fingers the bud is identical to the indoor stunted AWW i did in the winter! Solid size, being 30" in height.
Bomb Seeds Cherry Bomb - Based on my indoor grow of this plant i didnt expect her to pull what she is!! She has the best secondary branching out of all strains, and a decent height(27") to match!
Sweet Cream Mandarin - This was one of my original sweet choices and i am glad i chose her!! Large frame with robust branches and taking the weather very well. Nice fruity smell!!
Bloody Skunk - Another large framed plant stretching over 36". Not much side branch developement, but a nice thick main stalk. Excellent deep dark purple colour. Light fruity smell so far.
Portal Nashira - Tied for smallest frame, but bud is really kicking in nice on Nashira. Nice fruity smell so far, and solid side branches. I feel like this plant is going to put on some serious bud.
Do you guys get any steelhead rainbow runs with big 20-30" breeder fish, or is it just resident fish all the time?
iv never fished for steel head rainbow but here are 20lb ones in near by fisheries but theres quite a few big ferox trout in my local lake up to 14lb was the biggest caught we dont really measure by lenght over go by the pound /lb :pass:
iv never fished for steel head rainbow but here are 20lb ones in near by fisheries but theres quite a few big ferox trout in my local lake up to 14lb was the biggest caught we dont really measure by lenght over go by the pound /lb :pass:

Hmmmm I am not familiar with ferox trout? Aka Lake Trout?