Eclectic Elle
Keeper Of The Jars of Joy
Wonderful growing again 912!
PS was I right about the game?
PS was I right about the game?
Nicely done.Please explain how it's an awesome full fail?
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That one certainly is beautiful absolutely love that oneAlrighty!! The bloodstone is chopped!! Looks great!! Beautiful dark buds. Another menthol smelling flower(run of the menthol or what???). One thing i found interesting on this plant was there was pretty much zero crystal on the leaves. I even tossed the final trimmings since there was almost no crystal on them. Lots on the bud though!!
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That ram really looks awesome. So whos leading it so far uk or spain?
Truely beautiful plants. Inspiring. Results like those are incredible. Thank you for sharing. I have so much more to learn. It is very apparent you have put some serious time into your craft. RESPECT!!!!!
I wonder if this is Australia's first Stone Dragon.. ?
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Think I just got an idea!
Music to my ears brother!!winter camping!, yaba budda doo!
may your fish be many
your headaches none!
go now brother
have some big ass
Best of Atari range: The Temple of Elemental Evil. Less than 5 minutes LOL.
GroBro your one of the reason I strive to keep improving on. Thank you for all the help and the help you provide to others on the site.
Don Skelly...
please don't beat with your glossy shoes, I'm late to the Social Club again!!
holy crap dude, you got more tube-nukes than the Pacific Naval Fleet
.... and all Mo'Ram?! Whaaaah, you ice napping or fishing??
--dry porn is excellent! ..... Cheers my friend, I'm trying to get "out" more,...I miss a lot, especially here,.. but working on dialing that into better tune!... I don't get it mate, Sick Bay has never been so batshit crazy, ever! And help, never seems to last
>>>> the Cab' is looking phat-fat-phaaaaat-You have that partial stunting trick down to an art!... nothin' but chunky chicks in there, wall-to-wall
... all that eye-humping, your wife must be disgusted!
If she complains, drop a line from Briman--" growing makes the voices go away,.."
--end of kvetching! ..... seriously though, they're perfect specimens of petite grandeur other words, more butt plugs! -fetish revealed
... NQ and TA are just obscene, sorry!
Talk about girthy,.. go ahead, say it, slow-like.. giirrrrthy,...
..... I love the way CN turned out, actually an elegant build! You think it hampered yield at all? I don't,... Stone and Dragon are classic-
.... and 24C is going to make a damn nice pile!
>>> @islandgrowerdaaaaymn!
That's one of the best shots of craaaazy trich covered I've seen
.... the density of coverage is off the chart, I can't even see green bract under it!
HO-LEE-CATS, we've got us a Grower here!!!! Wowzzzaaaaaa Skell those are gorgeous. Thanks for the tag and the pics, Smokin' Specimens right there, great job!
Please explain how it's an awesome full fail?
Thing is the more u use the better the extraction rate,I no that goes with out saying,but if u tryed using half oz u would get 0, u get wat I mean davo
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
short on crystal don't mean it won't be long on kick, I been surprised by this before
Me too! Shame you can't get Elemental Evil to run on your computer - are you running Windows 7 or 10? Try as I might I have never been able to get Star Trek Armada to work on my Win7 system. It's not something I play but hubby does. I had 6 months free of it while we were in Tenerife because we took my pc - it was the first thing he played when we got back LMAO. I'm an RPG game fan too - loved Baldur's Gate but had to try and play it around work so hubby got all the advantages, got a long way through it before I had time to, and I lost interest after that. He's done that with most games that we've both played - bit of a sod really, but I can't blame him as he was writing computer games while I was still at school!Ouch!! I should have made it harder i guess!!Ah well next time!! With that type of attention to detail you have what it takes to become a master grower elle!!! I really quite liked the Elemental evil when i played it a long time ago...i grabbed a copy to play it again, but cant get it working on my system
I remember the game being very glitchy...other than that I liked it quite a bit....I was always a huge fan of games lIke Baldurs Gate tales of the sword Coast, Neverwinter nights, Icewind dale.
Me too! Shame you can't get Elemental Evil to run on your computer - are you running Windows 7 or 10? Try as I might I have never been able to get Star Trek Armada to work on my Win7 system. It's not something I play but hubby does. I had 6 months free of it while we were in Tenerife because we took my pc - it was the first thing he played when we got back LMAO. I'm an RPG game fan too - loved Baldur's Gate but had to try and play it around work so hubby got all the advantages, got a long way through it before I had time to, and I lost interest after that. He's done that with most games that we've both played - bit of a sod really, but I can't blame him as he was writing computer games while I was still at school!
Very nice job an what a great mix of genetics lots of color I read that you're humidity was 24 I have low humidity in the winter as well friend I'm thinking about investing in humdifer so I can control it better never had one an would always work around humidity issues but I'm thinking about soon upin my ipm an bringing in predator insects an almost all survive in high humidity.
Yes that's about where mine stays at I'm pretty hopeful they will work well but I need to have some tall plants to release em from an so far the broad mites have been winning definitely a challenge.I created a new thread to help folks here on fan afn with broads russet cyclamin mites with some new techniques an ways to treat an reduce their numbers .24% is about as high as it gets..i recall seeing 26% once, but throughout the deep freeze(jan-feb) 10-20% is standard. In an ideal world the plants would be bigger for sure in better RH, but for my purpose and restrictions smaller plants are the perfect fit. I hope the predator insects annihilate the opposition my friend!!