Thanks not bad at all. That waiting game for amber sucks . HahahaDon Skelly... [emoji144] please don't beat with your glossy shoes, I'm late to the Social Club again!!
holy crap dude, you got more tube-nukes than the Pacific Naval Fleet
.... and all Mo'Ram?! Whaaaah, you ice napping or fishing??
--dry porn is excellent! ..... Cheers my friend, I'm trying to get "out" more,...I miss a lot, especially here,.. but working on dialing that into better tune!... I don't get it mate, Sick Bay has never been so batshit crazy, ever! And help, never seems to last
>>>> the Cab' is looking phat-fat-phaaaaat-You have that partial stunting trick down to an art!... nothin' but chunky chicks in there, wall-to-wall
... all that eye-humping, your wife must be disgusted!
If she complains, drop a line from Briman--" growing makes the voices go away,.."
--end of kvetching! ..... seriously though, they're perfect specimens of petite grandeur other words, more butt plugs! -fetish revealed
... NQ and TA are just obscene, sorry!
Talk about girthy,.. go ahead, say it, slow-like.. giirrrrthy,...
..... I love the way CN turned out, actually an elegant build! You think it hampered yield at all? I don't,... Stone and Dragon are classic- [emoji106].... and 24C is going to make a damn nice pile!
>>> @islandgrowerdaaaaymn!
That's one of the best shots of craaaazy trich covered I've seen
.... the density of coverage is off the chart, I can't even see green bract under it!
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