New Grower Searchin for the perfect grow (or just not stuff it up)

Sep 18, 2018
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I’ve lurked for a while and have appreciated your help.

I’ve had issues with temps and once messed up ph using molasses. I’ve done ok ,but this time with your guidance and support I’m looking for improvements.

Coco perlite 80/20 smart pots 17 litre ( first time using smart pots)
600w hid dimmable to 250via 400 . Dual spectrum bulb.
1mx1mx2m tent
Fast bds green crack, Pineapple Express,mephisto Stilton special and samsquanch go

I’ll be planting seeds straight into coco. I’ve had about 80% success this way

Previously I’ve struggled to keep flower temps under 28c and has been up at 30. High temps won’t be issue this tie of year.

I will lst. Did thiss last time with some success. Need to Improve though

My autos have been slow. I guess because of heat stress but also wonder I lst slowed things. I really don’t want delays this time if possible.

Couple questions how far should light be at which wattage during germination authentic seedling. I know light not absolute necessary but the light wil give right temps.

Pics in a few days when there’s something to see
Thanks yall
Ooh and another question. I have been mixing notes in a 25l tub it’s sits at least a day to evaporate chlorine. Then depending on plant stage last a week or so. Should I be using air stone? Some seem to think it helps. My tap ph is already 7.6 and air stone would raise this.
Can you use too much phdown?

I sometimes worried my days old mixed mutes might be off
hi and welcome :pass:im a soil grower coco can be tricky.seems to need more cal/mag,feeding ph is like .5 lower than pen is a must likes to be moist,and if it dries out ph is all over the shop.its never flushed,or a flush has cal/mag and a lil feed in it.
depends on the nute brand some can last others not.if water/mixed nutes is standing for a week an airstone or just pump should be used.
chemical ph up/down isnt good for microbes in soil,lemon juice/cidar vinigar can be used.
good luck n keep er lit.
I started my seeds in straight coco with a 600 watt MH 40"+ above and as they matured I would lower. I doubt lst slowed growth as I lst'd my current grow and super cropped them multiple times.

Since you are already pre mixing your feed, you could opt for an air pump/submersible pump/drippers/timer to make an automatic drip system. That would keep your coco moist consistently and you might get better growth rates if your environment is in check. Make sure you're adding CalMag into your mix and you want your ph around 5.8-6.2. If you treat coco like hydro, you don't need molasses, you'll get hydro results and multi feeding with a drip system would help.

Keeping your environment in Vapor Pressure Deficit VPD in range will keep give you optimal ranges to aid in growth. That's what the chart I uploaded is for. Keep your temp and humidity in the orange and you'll be okay for environment. I ran 85-89f with 75% humidity during my veg, it has to be consistent small fluctuations and very good air flow, with good vigorous growth.

Me vs 00 Seeds Autos CocoDTW600w
@Damien50 , thanks for light height advice.
As for automation, I’ve briefly looked into it, been confused by the options and frightened that my ignorance would lead to flooding, house fire and the death of dozens. I might try next time though!

I’ve referred to that chart before but have little control over humidity as I don’t have de/humidifier. Cooler weather means I’ll be able to improve temp and humidity better than before

@Dudeski I’ve realised I’ll be using more water this time as growing four rather than two plans so feed won’t sit as long. I’m using canna a b and some liquid kelp. Get pump anyway?

Joshua by late knockout