Old Reviews Sea Grow (4-26-26) by Grow More -- All in One Solution for Autos.

Not sure and I don't think you can beat great white
Would it be possible to add seagrow directly to your soil mix?
Not sure and I don't think you can beat great white
Rechargeby real grower, raw soulbes myco grow and bloom, blue planet nutes myco. Havent used raws line of myco but its interesting how they have a grow and bloow version with specific spores for both stages. I use recharge love it and it has acids kelp and molasses.
I use both 16-16-16 and 4-26-26 for both Autos and photos and sometimes if I get to it the Hawiann Bud and bloom which is 5-50-17. Grow More aKa SeaGrow is the only synthetic line of nutes for me, I will use it until they stop production. Quality product for a quality price.
Hello everyone. Hopefully, someone can shine some light on these GrowMore products. This thread is old but I couldn't find answers anywhere else. I want to get some information before I buy. I will let everyone know that I am a newbie when it comes to growing and especially nutes. This is why I'm looking for a simplified recipe.

I plan to plant in FoxFarm Ocean forest and know that is somewhat hot and usually you don't need to feed the plants until around the preflower stage. Is everyone waiting to start the 16-16-16 until later in your grow, if so when? Also, are you feeding every water or ever other?

Also, I'm reading that some people are using Hawaiian Bud and Avalanche in the flowering stage. Do you stop feeding the 4-26-26 and switch to those nutes or use them all at the same time?

Sorry if these are dumb questions. I'm just trying to learn.
:smoking: no worries jay, good questions in any case,...
This brands was popular back several years ago when the cannabis specific nute scene was a shadow of what it is today,...SeaGrow will work, but it's not optimal, or even a wise choice anymore IMO and experience with it... Cannabic nutes have a better more optimal balance of NPK, secondary nutes (like Ca, Mg, S, etc.) and micronutes (metals like Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, also Boron and Mo, etc.).... 16-16-16 is a shotgun blast of NPK, too hot, not in balance for the specifics that work best for cannabis' veg' stage; Bloom is the same, very hot at 4-24-24....(I treat Seagrow bloom as a so called bloom booster, a high PK content supplement) Again, it'll work, but for the money, and the ridiculous size of the tubs, there's better... Easy, few part nutes include FoxFarms nutes grow Big, Tiger Bloom, Big Bloom; Dyna-Gro Foliage Pro/Bloom, and a host of others... these are not expensive at all if budget is a factor, otherwise it's a wide world of choices now! poke through the nute section here, and check you favorite growers here and see what they use... MegaCrop (Greenleaf nutrients, here also) all-in-one is a very good bargain, but many find it needs less N and more P for bloom stages, easily fixed by reducing the MC use and adding in another base bloom nute (Seagrow 4-24-24 is fine in this application)... HI Bud is overkill,.... Avalanche is not a nutrient per se, it's a so called bud hardener, help fatten and dense-up the buds, theoretically,... I used it, but don't find it particularly effective....
Use Grow nutes up to the early start of budding, then switch to bloom nutes,... I also recommend you avoid FF soils, they are often iffy for quality and pH balance,... Roots Organic original, or Royal Gold King's Mix are better choices,...
Other recommended things include a Si supplement, inoculants, kelp, humic-fulvic (BioAg Ful-Humix dry, 100g bag is cheap, lasts for years; read about h-f in the Reverence section, very good stuff)...