Right I need to get back into doing this regularly. Tut tut, lazy Scotsman
I'll get pics up later tonight.
Had some new revelations on the growing front though.
My attic inspection now has 10 days to get done or I'm in the clear so I'm gonna start popping some more this weekend.
My next door neighbour is also moving house out of the blue next week so I'll get some work done on the flooring etc and get the rest of the groom set up.
Gonna have to make sure it's smell proof this time though cos my neighbour pulled me for it a few times. Thankfully she's cool but the next one probably won't be.
Got some black n white sheeting there so gonna get that up on the joining wall and scillicone it all the way round. Already foamed up the wee holes so think that'll do it. Fuckin hope so anyway.
I'm gonna start 4 autos this weekend. Going for Seedstockers old skool classics of white widow, superskunk and Northern lights with a special guest appearance from mephisto with alien vs triangle.
With the Zamnesia grow off starting 1st of Feb it's gonna be crowded as fuck in here when it kicks off but I've got more space than I have balls to use it so I should be fine.. in theory lol. Just hope my wallet can stand the burn from the leccy bill