New Grower SCHOOL DAZE (seed to jar)live guide

Welcome to school daze.
This is the new growers school.

Here I'm going to be doing a live week to week simple guide to growing autos in soil.

Will be a basic easy to follow guide.
No big fancy words no crazy wild stuff.
Just a basic guide from start to smoke. Seed to jar.
We shall cover basic lighting
Basic nutrients
Show a lot of how to and when to with light hight , room conditions , low stress training , watering and all the rest of all the stuff I have picked up here from AFN in my short time of growing.

Feel free to ask all the questions pertaining to the week/subject you would like.
If I don't know the answer [HASHTAG]#iknowaguy[/HASHTAG] or gal

Well class is in session!
Week 0 subject

Set up , basic supplies, and planting the beans
As far as your set up and grow room goes. Not going to get too much into that.
A reliable pH pen is a must!!!!!
Ppm meter is nice. Very useful. Can get by with out it.

Strains used

Mephisto orange diesel
Heavyweight turbo bud
Both are auto flowers and strains I have not grown yet. So I'm pumped

Now there are several ways to germ and what not. This is just what I do. What works for me.

So for this grow we are using as mentioned. Basic stuff.

2 five gallon buckets. Drilled full of holes

See how I have an extra set of holes at the rim. These are for LST purposes

Big oil drip pans for run off pans

They work perfect

Soil we will be using is fox farms. 2 different types.
Ocean forest and happy frog.

We are using both. The ocean forest runs a tad hot for seedlings so we use that on the bottom half of the buckets.

Happy frog on the top half.
Next we shall move on to planting our seeds .

I do not use a fancy glass cup or paper towels. I just pop the beans in the soil water and go.


Now that we have our buckets set up we are going to pre water the soil before we plant our seeds.

I like to water heavy on this 1st watering. pH of 6.5 and only water.

After the heavy watering I checked the pH of my run off to make sure it was all on point .checked out at 6.4
So now we let it drain and sit for a bit before we plant the beans
(Smoke break)

Now that the soil has drained well enough we move on to planting of the seed.

This is where mistakes start happening.

Seed is to be point side down as best as possible.
Also . I feel when first starting out. People like to plant them a bit too deep. Or too shallow.

Here is how I get them point side down and at the sweet depth.

Smooth out the surface in the middle.
Get a ball point pen. Or as I'm using a seed container. And this is only to start the hole for bean to sit point side down in. Keep the hole shallow.

Place seed into hole carefully. Then use tool to push it down to about 1/4 of an inch. Or just under. No deeper.


Then pile a bit of soil over the bean and lightly tap the soil down with your finger.

With a mister. Using the 6.5 water mist fairly heavy on location of new bean to really get it good and soaked.

Place your tags in your pots so you don't forget what you got. And a plant date on tag helps keep track of days.

Also can put a clear glass cup over seed location for the first week or so to help keep a high humidity level and broken light to not burn the new babies coming soon...
(3-5 days)
They don't need to be under the lights yet.
But I do put mine under the lights to keep the warmth on the soil to keep the seeds nice and cozy.

I expect in 3-5 days to see babies.
I will be back with pics of that as it happens and will include them here in this section.

I'll keep this section going until they get out of the seedling phase then we will move on to vegetation stage in the next section and cover lst and getting plants ready for the pre flower stretch.

Any questions or feedback will be greatly appreciated and a great contribution to the guide.

See you in a few days.

Cheers AFN
top write up so far Ash :thumbsup:
if i could remember names as good as i can remeber avatar pics id have sent a few folks your way,will just have to wait till i bump into them again and il send them over.
good luck n keep er lit.
Forgot to mention. For seedlings you want the humidity on the high side. Typically 45%-60%

But since I have another auto in full flower I am avoiding the high side.

My rh is about 35% which is a tad low.
Temps are typically 78-84°F depending on part of the day. This will come down in summer when I kick up the AC.

I much prefer my temp around 75 . I don't get uncomfortable until my temps get over 86 then I start to make adjustments.

I'm my experiences I have found the humidity to be far more important than temps.

Plants hate super dry air. Issues happen under 25% Rh
Buds also hate really high humidity. Over 50% with bad air circulation will ruin a crop with rot and mold.

If you can maintain a consistent 75°F and 55%rh during veg and lower to 40%Rh during flower. Shouldn't have any issues with heat or air conditions