Outdoor Savage does stealth

Suggested plants as companions for stealth growing

Rhus.....takes a while to get established but gorgeous.


Ornamental or Japanese Maple...cost a bit in the shop but come in different colours and are beautiful in a breeze

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Virginia Creeper...people will give you this stuff or just snap some off someones house as you walk past...it roots really quickly and spreads like mad



I have a local creeper / vine that has cool indica looking five bladed leaves.
Growing all over my outdoor urban guerilla garden zone. Zing!
105 seeds....smell gorgeous and if you keep cutting them the flowers keep coming. You can buy established ones by the tray........saves a LOT of bother and they are well priced.......some are smellier than others....read the packets first.

A small bunch makes your house smell lovely too.

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good idea!
Turns out slash and burn is pretty good. None of the neighbours shouted at me this time which is an improvement but i did wait till it started raining this time.and noone had washing hanging on the line.


Suggested plants as companions for stealth growing

Rhus.....takes a while to get established but gorgeous.


Ornamental or Japanese Maple...cost a bit in the shop but come in different colours and are beautiful in a breeze

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Virginia Creeper...people will give you this stuff or just snap some off someones house as you walk past...it roots really quickly and spreads like mad


Rhus... is that the stuff where the branches feel like they have antler velvet on them?
Rhus... is that the stuff where the branches feel like they have antler velvet on them?

yes, thats the one. Its a gorgeous shrub.....one i remember as a child. It has many lovely features including the cola like spikes it keeps through the winter
