SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

I've just been in and thinned the both front girls but I was worried I'd go to far but I just removed really what Antonio said but there was quite a lot of fans leaves also he said this may slow growth of the front 2 and let the back 2 catch up. Anyhow thanks everyone for tagging along and we will be flipping very soon as these are on week 6 now. Also i found the missing autopot float too
i just wanted to post this as I feel if I make it on any website it is a huge plus but Dutch passion is a total shock and Antonio was keeping proper notes on my whole progress and posted this whole blog and I'm so shocked and proud and it shows anyone can grow cannabis some people think I'm some pro grower but I wing it 90 per cent of the time and if you wanna grow easy weed with no ec or like these just ask and tag along biotabs make growing next level but with a tiny amount of work at the start so @Cultivators I hope you don't mind the tag
Congrats bud, that's cool nice job! :toke: I got me a Dutch Passion Orange Bud just popped up a few hrs ago.

Stay lifted
Congrats bud, that's cool nice job! :toke: I got me a Dutch Passion Orange Bud just popped up a few hrs ago.

Stay lifted
thanks for popping back here if you have any diaries tag me please bro I love seeing other people plants I also post pics from the site on Instagram so anything ya proud of hit me up

Bit of a strip down this was after the second time but this front left girl doesn't wanna slow down even after a supercroping session
I may flip these tomorrow Screenshot_20240812_120013_Days Counter.jpg
Definitely time to flip indeed!:yay:

You can strip the front left girl even a bit more, and don't be afraid to supercrop some more buds, especially the ones that are on the top of the plants, it will slow their stretch a bit too, once you flipped the clock to 12/12. The first week you will see an explosion of growth for sure... how are the ICH's doing mate?
