SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

I just took a quick look on Amazon at their products . Do you use the whole line?
Yes I do bro they sell a product called Sillicium Flash and I mix that into the media when I pot up with the startrex but you could use orgatrex instead of that as that comes with the starter kits you can buy and my main reason using that is in my autopots the Flash stuff .so for 4 plants the starter kit has everything to get you over the finish line
Yes I do bro they sell a product called Sillicium Flash and I mix that into the media when I pot up with the startrex but you could use orgatrex instead of that as that comes with the starter kits you can buy and my main reason using that is in my autopots the Flash stuff .so for 4 plants the starter kit has everything to get you over the finish line
I think it deserves further investigation.
My next run will be all photos. I might do a side by side, using the same starting media, in Grassroot 20 or 30 gallon bags. One using bio tabs and the other using conventional organic practices. Should make for an interesting comparison.
I think it deserves further investigation.
My next run will be all photos. I might do a side by side, using the same starting media, in Grassroot 20 or 30 gallon bags. One using bio tabs and the other using conventional organic practices. Should make for an interesting comparison.
I've done a run once with sohums live soil and another ecothrive version of it and I feel I got much better results with the biotabs but as you say Bill it's all about trying new things
I think it deserves further investigation.
My next run will be all photos. I might do a side by side, using the same starting media, in Grassroot 20 or 30 gallon bags. One using bio tabs and the other using conventional organic practices. Should make for an interesting comparison.
Tag me when you start that grow mate! I absolutely love BioTabs ♥
They have made my life a whole lot easier...Like Tom said, no more fussing around with measuring nutrients, pH, EC and so on...Only dechlorinated water, which if you have a small tank, can feed a couple of Autopots or another automated watering system, making your life even easier. AND, it's Organic!!
I've done a run once with sohums live soil and another ecothrive version of it and I feel I got much better results with the biotabs but as you say Bill it's all about trying new things
Like everything I do, i have to prove it to myself! I have to make it mine!
I think it's from the time I spent in the military doing it the "military way"!
I've never followed the crowd. I have to find things out on my own and see how I can make them better. That's applicable from drag racing to just plain old organic gardening. It's just the way I think.
Tag me when you start that grow mate! I absolutely love BioTabs ♥
They have made my life a whole lot easier...Like Tom said, no more fussing around with measuring nutrients, pH, EC and so on...Only dechlorinated water, which if you have a small tank, can feed a couple of Autopots or another automated watering system, making your life even easier. AND, it's Organic!!
I'll do that!
Jeremy at BAS is beginning a new grow series and he's using two different kinds of auto watering systems. I'm gonna watch this grow and see how well the two different systems work and then maybe incorporate it in a later grow.
Big pots make for easier growing also.
I'm all in for easy! And it's organic!
I use biobizz my friend but I'd assume either should be fine also sssc we're one of the first ever seed vendors too so they were always way ahead of the game and that was karel .also your gonna be wanting to add a bit more perlite to a 50 litre bag of soil I'd say but I'm sure you can use coco but let me ask @Antonio_DutchPassion So I'm not giving you wrong information also he's been very helpful with my transition on to these and he's an all around top fella too
Right, you can use cocos as medium as well, but be sure to put a bit more nutrients in there and top dress a few times during the grow because there will be more runoff. My personal favorite is actually mixing Cocos and Lightmix, often in a 1:4 ratio but doing it 2:4 or even 1:1 works out fine as well. It also depends a bit on your complete setup and the way water is handled in your pots etc. Having some organic nutes like B.A.C on the side is a big plus to steer things the right way. Using the Orgatrex and Pk Booster is also a viable option.
Tag me when you start that grow mate! I absolutely love BioTabs ♥
They have made my life a whole lot easier...Like Tom said, no more fussing around with measuring nutrients, pH, EC and so on...Only dechlorinated water, which if you have a small tank, can feed a couple of Autopots or another automated watering system, making your life even easier. AND, it's Organic!!
Exactement! It's great to see that once you were convinced of it Bob many others are following. I'm glad that I shared this with you guys, its really fuss free growing and the quality of your end product is just amazing. Yes, with other methods/products you might get a bit higher yields, but it often doesn't weigh up to the higher costs, effort and flatter taste.

@WildBill That's exactly how it should be done mate, just try for yourself and make your own verdict! Tag me once you've set up that test, would love to follow and see how you will do with that

Cheers fellas
Oh and best of all maybe, you can keep re-using your soil time and time again. No more getting fresh bags of soil each round. Just take of the top 5-10cm of soil (especially when you had bugs or pests), remix the whole pot, add some fresh powder and go again. We have been doing that with soil for 1-2 years with great results, you end up with a living soil full of organic goodness!