SANlight sanlight EVO 140 and 60 series perpetual grow with biotabs Dutch passion kerosine krash sssc and seedstockers

Carrying on from yesterday I now have some youngsters under the new light some seedstockers moby dick auto and some Dutch passion unknown from @Antonio_DutchPassion so I will have 3 of each if they all come up also a couple of these will be put outdoors
What a brilliant set up bro, that light looks amazing in there too :worship::bighug:
thanks, bro I've had to jiggle my space but if I never had somewhere to start these new girls id have to wait on my photo girls to finish and ok there on the final stretch and thanks so much bro and I hope you are doing great :bighug::bighug:
thanks, bro I've had to jiggle my space but if I never had somewhere to start these new girls id have to wait on my photo girls to finish and ok there on the final stretch and thanks so much bro and I hope you are doing great :bighug::bighug:
I am good thx bro, hope you are all good too :bighug: :woohoo1:
home stretch now bro

With being my first photo grow I'm so happy with them and thanks for stopping by
Spankin grow mate.
as you know I'm not clued up on social media and it never crossed my mind to stop by. LOl . I'm selfish and only keep to myself. :crying: I was looking threw you're page and it's a great read .:rofl: Love it.