i got two bhds running in a 5 gal and a russian rocket in a mason jar till i get a better pot for it.and my photo in a 2 liter soda bottle with the top cut off.( yes im that damn ghetto rigged)

i think we all have done the 2liter bottle trick at some point lol no shame in ya game
there cheap only 75 cents at the dollar store and i get 8 at a time and they also serve as awesome nute holders when the plastic is tinted.
buiding a 3x3x6 tent... im gonna go with three, i think 5 is just a wast of soil imo ( for my autos anyway)
the photo girls will go in the 5

sounds like the best course of action..

I have 2 liter plastic 8 pack cases... use 2 liters a lot for propogation.. 8 packs are easy to carry! Been thinkin bout tryin them with some perlite in hempy style... they might be ideal for it! :)
you just gave me a idea JM i think i can make a ghetto budget hydro units for less then $50.
also just wanted to share my latest accomplishments with u fokes, according to the State of ******** i am a certified genius... who would think the long haired pot head is one of the smartest people in this bitch lol... sorry had to get that out
pot heads are smart as hell people just think were stupid hippies but thats just cause oh i dunno we like to enjoy life instead of rush thru it like a crack head chasing the last rock in town. stoners = peace ,happiness,sharing and hacky sack.
Morning M8's.............:pimp:


9 oC this morning..but cold...
and my little Italian friend says that our night temps are gonna plunge in the next few day...
maaaaan..that is all I need....
hey..that is outdoor for you..
you see anyone else around daft enough to try it this time of year...:dance2:

Going for a read...see what you have been up to while I slept..
Dragons in my album..I'll add them as time allows.
also just wanted to share my latest accomplishments with u fokes, according to the State of ******** i am a certified genius... who would think the long haired pot head is one of the smartest people in this bitch lol... sorry had to get that out
Yay Joker..Proud of you Bro......:clap: :clap: :clap:

De-bunk the stereotype.
I often look around at the range of Talented people we have here and Think..
that little Myth is well and truely Shattered..
but the myth persists.

random question, but what size pots(in gallons) do you guys use for you autos?
Have you thought of using one large pot..and putting multiple seeds in..I do mine that way.
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loving the view man when i hit the lotto im coming for a visit and bringin a few of the guys here with me
Morning ZERO...:smoke:

Morning TBM....:smoke:

loving the view man when i hit the lotto im coming for a visit and bringin a few of the guys here with me
Then can we get a trip up to Amsterdam..I'm sure LBH would put us all up...:D
we would be like a plague of locusts with his stash...
Hazey days...:pimp:

Then..we could go down to Marakesh..raid the souks....
and by then..I would be too knackered to keep up with the rest of you
But..I'd be Happy.

You got enough info for your patient now ZERO...?

The AK is 38 in I think she'llprob push out another 3-5 in to finish so ur about right..good eye. I hope shel'' fatten up...if so like what im used to for that size and density of flowers I would say i could get about 100gr.. being hopefull..
Fingers Crossed Bro..

f**k how did i post allthat lol :)
My thoughts when I knocked the BotM thread out...:no:
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Most people are surprised when I tell them I'm pro-cannabis.
Usually get the same response: "But you don't look or act like a stoner/pothead..."

Same here Bro..
most people think I am an old fat miserable tw*t sitting in the corner of the cafe sipping coffee in the mornings...
they don't understand that I have the mind of a canna super hero..trying to break out..
I Find it very Covert...:D


couldn't resist the straight line..

Little snippet from the above article:
...It turned out the kids smoking weed containing lots of the chemical cannabidiol (CBD) could remember details of the story just as well stoned as sober. Meanwhile, those smoking the low-CBD marijuana fit the stereotype of the forgetful pothead....

Sounds like my kinda homework..I shall have a read after chores.

So correct me if I'm wrong but don't most Autoflowering strains contain more CBD?
So does that mean we Auto lovers are the smartest cannabis growers? Hmmm....

I Always Knew we were the Special Ones.....:dance2:
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