Cheers K21....What a lovely start to the morning..

Bet you smile everytime you lift them out for their photo call.

They make ME smile.

Baby PJ ain't such a baby any more either...any signs of sex..?

I smile every time I go and have a peek at them...which must be 10 times a day!!!! :D

No signs of sex yet but it should be happening any day now....
lol oh yeah just cause i thought youd enjoy this possibly wiz my woman has put me on the hunt for your dragons lol she told me i have to start growing ones like that. her words were "why cant they all look like that i bet that thing smells pretty too you need to grow ones like that cause there pretty start looking for ones like that" you have even impressed my woman.

wiz my woman has put me on the hunt for your dragons lol she told me i have to start growing ones like that.

looking@ theover-headon your 70's girlmakes me think you may already have one in your hands...
to Me..
she looks as if she is carrying the Dragon's Black leaf trait. :D

Funnily was crossing the Tom Hills Deep Chunk with the ALF#3 that brought the effect out..
and you are gonna be growing ALF#3 shortly..aren't you...?
yes sir just waiting on the beans to come. can't wait to get them ladies rolling. If i get some color from that skunk and the yellow hairs make a return im gonna need to find me a suitable auto to put her into anythoughts as to what would work best for that?

215medicinemans thread...

Super Cali Haze and Onxy thread...
every time I see it I start humming..dum diddle diddle diddle..dum diddle yyyy...
and have this vision of Dick van Dyke tap dancing across the thread...


then I realised...


it is giving me mary poppins...

how Scarey is That...:(
Wiz buddy i think you sent some of your color magic into my skunk i just turned her light on for her and the bottom leaves are getting darker not the nice black you have but a super dark blackish green.almost a dark car paint colored green and shes coloring from the bottom up is that normal?
wonder if different kinds of music would effect plant growth. im pretty sure i saw they tried that with house plants some where.
BTW..I was thinking of a little logo for the KISS posts...
make them a bit more stand out....



Top one Scares me..
the bottom one reminds me of a hens bum...

what do you think...?
that will get attention for sure and i just found a article on how music dose effect plant growth who would have guessed it. Granted its not a science proven thing but it makes ya think it could be true. and a woman on youtube said they find heavy metal and classical work best so who knows but it would be a cool thing to try if ya had the extra room.