i think we'd eventually get our work done... but the brainstorm session that would ensue would be sure to be 49 hours solid of talking!
I Think we would need longer than that...you lot could talk the hind legs off a donkey...:D

Well Wiz, what can I say....I am flattered and somewhat speechless ( I know, I know...it does happen) lol Thank you so much....it means a lot coming from you
I believe when someone is doing well..you Tell them....
and you are making a Lovely job of them. :clap:

Hey ZERO.....did you check your girls for leaf colour...?.....:head:

Hey JOKER...I've eyed the Great White Shark up before...
breeder photos of it made my mouth water.
Bailer has put a section in for them.
nice! any way that could be displayed right in the page?

ok FYI:

With all the food and pet products now coming from China , it is best to
sure you read labels at the grocery store and especially Walmart when
buying food products.

I personally reccomend that you boycott walmart (google walmart and homeland security and Janet Reno) but thats neither here nor there.

Many products no longer show where they were made, only give where the
distributor is located. It is important to read the bar code to track
it's origin.

How to read Bar Codes ......
This may be useful to know when grocery shopping, if it's a concern
to you.

The whole world is afraid of China-made "black hearted goods".

Can you differentiate which one is made in Taiwan or China ?

If the first 3 digits of the barcode are 690 , 691
or 692 , the product is MADE IN CHINA .

471 is Made in Taiwan .

This is our right to know, but the government
and related departments never educate the
public, therefore we have to RESCUE

Nowadays, Chinese businessmen know that
consumers do not prefer products "MADE IN
CHINA", so they don't show from which
country it is made.

However, you may now refer to the barcode -
remember if the first 3 digits are:

690-692 ... then it is MADE IN CHINA
00 - 09 ... USA & CANADA
30 - 37 ... FRANCE
40 - 44 ... GERMANY
471 ... Taiwan
49 .. JAPAN
50 .. UK

BUY U S A & CANADIAN MADE by watching for " 0 " at the beginning
of the number.
We need every boost we can get

just an FYI for all...

We love our pets all very much and ourselves and each other.. lets not contaminate our pets or ourselves due to ingorance, right?

nuff said on that...
Last edited:
Morning Photo Shoot

The girls most definitely brought their game this morning...

The Queen

Bubbles...10 budsites visible with plenty more hiding in her bushiness...

Baby PJ

Afternoon m8.....:smoke:

Bit of work on...cleaning up after ALF#3 pollenation..
ready for the JEM to go in.

Back for later I hope.


also another response there from me... sorry for the delay in advice... you sound a bit desperdo bro! :)


na not realy desperdo bro just had a few and a few j's and nothing to do atm lol
lol... was j/k on the desperado bit... lol believe me... i know howq it is!
