not doing to bad actually back isnt feeling to bad either and in a pretty damn good mood i must say
not doing to bad actually back isnt feeling to bad either and in a pretty damn good mood i must say
Good to hear Bro...
amazing how fast you bounce back when the pain lessens...

Long may it continue....:head:
as a reminded tonight at 8pm eastern national geographic will be having a special on how marijuana works in the body.
I just finished watching that national geographic special it was actually pretty good coulda went a little more in depth then they did but it would be something for nonsmokers to see and let the facts fall where they may.
I felt some of their facts were no actually facts... overall it was good tho.
They said a few silly things like, "Eating cannibis isn't any stronger than smoking it"
Haven't watched the Nat'l Geo. show yet, but if they mention that old study from the late 60's/early70's that says MJ kills brain cells - I cry Bullshit on the whole show. But like I said, I haven't watched it yet.

You must have read some of the same stuff I have. Cannabinoids are known to coat neurons and aid in transfer of signals. I hope it's not just a new propaganda machine. Hoping for good facts.
I didn't want to make a whole thread. Grabbed some SFV ogkush today, before it was gone. I love this stuff. :smoke:




It's not a frost covered strain. But it still had bag appeal.