Morning M8's....:smoke:

5 o'C..damp..and we are suffering from a Whiteout...
Damn...the girls are all wreathed in mist and not a breath of wind to stop it penetrating....maaannnn...

See what I it a it a can tell where the sea ends and the sky begins...
See the oppresion of the barometric pressure by the flattening of the sea..not a ripple..

morning wiz wow that pic is weird but my money is on boat lol where are the girls thismorning ?
Morning stoneyhomer...:smoke:

where are the girls thismorning ?
still cuddling up on the patio m8..trying to keep warm...


This is the one that started purple budding..


this is the Red...

The purple budded one only colours from the tips of the leaf IN towards the bud..
The red colours from the tips of the leave IN..and also from the bud Out...

2 Different colouring traits.

That is why I said at the start that although the red started to leaf colour later than the purple..she would Black up fastest.

And looking at them all together can see the difference in those two colour taits..
they are starting to show their individuality..

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wow man she is sexy cant w8 for her first bud porn :)

Cheers m8..
I am Dying to feed see myself..

but I daresn't..on my conditions is a no no..
just incase she molds..
so I have prioritised the seed on this lock down the colour trait..
It is the most Important thing at this stage..for ME.

I have time spring and summer to push her for weights and measures.
Fine Tune her engines..give her the Puuuuurrrr....:ama:

Frustrating the F*ck out of me though..

Nice and lush old and what strain is it????

Queenie is a photo Queen Kush, a freebie from Attitude, germed on 11/20 and Bubbles is my auto Bubblelicious from Nirvana germed on 11/30. PJ is my Purple Jem germed on 12/1.
morning all damn wiz thems got the black death in them i love it .K21 they look like there happy little bitchs they are getting some nice size to them im betting there goona be a damn fine smoke
wiz sorry thay dont show here look at my indoor thread 2nd go round its sat night and im baked lol sorry ive been baked all day and i duno wot im doing with pics today speed and saftey to all
Kinda what the whole Hobby is about...what else are weekends For.

Been to see them..Superb Roots..Class..know they are gonna be Super Models with roots like that..

YEAH just single pistils mainly on the nodes but not where they should be but she keeps the fat finger leaves...13 fingers...
That Sounds as if it is Non-AF Bro...

when you take it me the leaf..front and back..please
I've only had 11 ATM..
I'd like to see the difference.

ill try the sugar...or should i give molasses...I have cane sugar here if not the molasses...
Any..both are better than white sugar IMO...:thumbs:

Yup..I Would put the two of them in 12/12..see what happens..
AND..I'd give the pollenation a shot...Luck....:head:

K21..been in your Home thread..better and better everyday

Hey ZERO..How is your day...?...:eek: