Now nammy...?...


I'm pretty sure it is apple now..but it could be a plum....:tiphat:..cherry and almond have already flowered locally.
It looks like an apple to me Mossy but, what do I.....................nah this guy gets rid of apple canker well!



Cheers MikeyB...I'll get a look at that in the morning..:tiphat:..I cannot tell if it is canker/damage or neglect.
I suppose I just have to see if it affects the fruit.
I cannot lop it coz it is on the main trunk


No soil Tests nammy..I Might find somewhere that does it by next season...:coffee2:..JM is going to diagnose my deficiencies by the Problems I have.

Get the first season in..diagnose the problems..Fix for the second year..Hopefully grow my own ferts.

The soil is what I would class as typically Spanish..dry and granular..but it smelled sweet as sweet when it was getting ploughed.

It is totally Unlike UK soil..but..seems to be fertile..grows Good it is See how it Goes this season.

Whats going in next?

Another row of aloe vera..then a lavender hedge..


they have just started to grow after I got them as plug plants January..but are still a bit small ATM.
I had an absolute germ fail with the lavender I tried from seed..:no:..but I did hear they were a pain from seed.

If anybody has any Tips..yell up....


I run out of I didn't get the whole patch finished..manyana..

Lavender Hidcote Plug Plants

I bought a French Lavender the other day too..which I will use as a Mother for cuttings..easier than seed.

I love it.:crying:

I Think I might have felt Older than that..:coffee2:..manual labour is not what it is cracked up to be at our age.

I got a couple of shelving units from the me something to stack on..the potting table was getting crowded.


We got the two for 24 euros..hubby was please when he went to the DIY shop yesterday and found the same ones for 55 euros each.

We got the pomegranate/Bay/figs and paraguaya planted too.
pomegranate looked dead to me..but we will see.

I don't know if they have paraguaya in the US..but I never saw them in the UK.
It is like a Squashed peach..:grin:..but Much tastier than a peach.
Hubbys favourite.