The Elvis Corn has made it's debut...


I Adore sweet corn....but I have Never grown it before....Cheers The Elvis...:tiphat:..American genetics in the AFN HQ..International garden.

I would normally plant straight to ground..but I can See I'm going to have a snail I Thought I'd give them more chance getting a bit of height on first...and of course..I was too Impatient to wait for the farmer...:grin:

I have two new tomatoes to add to the Menu List..Kumato..and Kumato cherry.
I bought them from the super market and dried me own seed.

Kumato standard are one of my Favourite tomatoes..and favourite tomato plants.
The Indy of the tommy world.

Easter was a blur of tattie planting..we got 4.5 rows done..7 Varieties..then run out.
Early kidneys..(Jersey Royals..:Medibles:..oh I Miss my jersey royals..crispy smoked streaky and butter...mmm...mmm...mmm....

I don't have access to any well rotted manure I used the well rotted nettles to line the trenches..OMG..
how does something like a nettle smell so much like shit when it is rotted down....?..Wow was it Ripe.

I got some on me foot and the dogs were following me all afternoon sniffing me...:Passing Wind..:

Hubby worked like a Trooper..he is Not a gardener..but he did all the trenching and I just had the heaps to draw up.

Again..while we were digging the tattie trenches I got the sweet patchouli like smell from the is Wonderful..the smell that I get from the compo when I have a great Dragon in...sweet..sweet earth..there is nothing like it.

The soil is going to take some getting used is dry and granular and well draining..until you water it..then it turns to clay immediately..odd..but I suppose I'll get used to it.

As well as the tatties..I got the 3 green tea bushes..the Kaffir Lime..and the Ylang Ylang tree my fingers crossed they will be okay with the bad weather.

The Neem tree baby is still under shelter..she is the only one I had Trouble with.
I still don't know if she will survive..but where there is Green there is Hope.

The chilli peppers are slowly starting to show their heads.
I Think I had over watered and it was keeping the compo too cold.

Cheers EoF..appreciate the Eyes Out...:tiphat: ..I've tried growing citrus in pots but haven't had good luck..I Think I will have less problem in natural earth.
The Orangery next door to us is going Nuts.
They no sooner harvested them when the bushes have burst into blossom..they are absolutely covered.
I Hope my land is as sweet for them.
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hello aunty:hug:look's a helluva lot warmer where you are than here:grin: this morning:tiphat:


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Afternoon The Elvis...:hug:..I couldn't Help myself sticking 5 of each type into the tunnel.

I can't believe I haven't grown it favourite two veggies..Peas and Corn...

Afternoon astro...damn that looks Miserable....:Wind Chilllll..:..I'd still be Hibernating.

We Were Good..but as soon as the bank holiday hit..back to bank holiday weather..:slaps:..I wanted to start the onion sets garlic and horse radish..but hey point fighting Mother Nature...

You can't Win...:smile:
Morning mossy with spring comes the rain to set off all that soil you guys just dug up that hasn't seen the sun in a very long time... three days of rain is good! wind not so much..:no: Anyways down here when the weathers bad
we just dance and cook food!!


elvis lookin.jpg
Yup..when it gets Cold you want to Eat....:Medibles:....not sure on the dancing though...:grin:

Tomato heads..have a look..


Bottom left and the row above on the that a Strange leaf for a tomato..?..
It looks like the odd one out to me..
yeah pots can be tough sometimes if your medium aint steady at 7.1 er .2 or so.they've always seemed a touch better above neutral or right at.and with ole brother JM on it I doubt you'll need little help from me. use some wood ash and a cpl top dresses n a carb slammin early on.

lmfao ya know I was seriously tossing around the idea of a small tree in my tent lmfao!!how wild would that be?!lmfao!!

Im soooo jealous of that beautiful hoop type house of greenness .lol Nice!!:Hookah:
Yup..when it gets Cold you want to Eat....:Medibles:....not sure on the dancing though...:grin:

Tomato heads..have a look..


Bottom left and the row above on the that a Strange leaf for a tomato..?..
It looks like the odd one out to me..

Their are regular leaf and potato leaf variates of tomatoes.
Potato leaf maybe?