Cheers Darth normal sanctuary is a patio in pots..goodness only knows how this is going to go..:grin:..Luckily I have my Friends to Watch over it...and Me...

Here's a total of 23 ideas for ants

Cheers sniper..Plus Rep for that Thanks...:hug:..I'll start with the bicarb one..I always have bicarb around..but I'll wait until the wind dies down a bit..or it will be us chewing it..:grin:

You are living the dream.


Starting out Eek....:hug:..look what I bought myself..3.5 euros..'erb infuser for me green tea...:grin:


I made a promise that I will drink at least a pot full every day I am down there instead of juice or coffee.

Although fresh herb is short ATM I managed fresh olive and a touch of dried orange peel.

Alkalising alkalising drinks..more fluid every day.."pher Wiggle"..let food be your medicine..

and..I gave in and used the scabby bath tub....:Mag soak:..heavily magnesium-d bath..with fresh rosemary...BLISS.
Meanwhile back @ the Ranch..:grin:..the unseasonal weather is hitting hard.

We have the UK's weather..and they have Ours..and I Think the UK should give it back.

Fingers Crossed the 10 day weather forecast says the worst of the high winds have passed..and the Tunnel is still standing.

We are going to get a few more sand bags for the south end..coz we had compo bags on for ballast..but I have been using them up.

This morning on the forecast we had a 60% chance of rain we have 100% and a Warning on it will probably be Torrential. :no:

Thinking like a farmer my first Thought was Damn..if I knew it was guaranteed rain I would have planted some more stock..:grin:..but it is too late now..I've taken the afternoon off..:Ohmmm.......: ..


That's going to be quite a garden Mossy, best of luck

Cheers oldster..Finger Crossed...the first season will let me know what I need to Improve for the second season..
The main part of the garden is 25 x 27 I have plenty to Play with.

The farmer is coming back to try pulling that dead palm tree out when we get a I have had to start at the far end to give him space to get the tractor in.

I've bought a rogue compost..:slaps:..I had 4 different lots in so it took a bit of finding..but it is a one called OptiMum from the Chinese super market.

Have a look at these two trays of sunflowers..all the same cross..all other conditions the same..but the ones on the right got the crappy compo..


I have a set of tomatoes the same.


Do you see the rows 2 and 3 from the top in the left hand tray..?..everything there is the same age..same conditions.
I Think I'll just point in trying to grow stuff that has a big fail in its first few weeks.

The chillies are just starting to pop their heads up in the same I'll try transplanting as soon as they are big enough to handle..and if they are rubbish I'll re germ them too.

Lessons learned.

I don't know why they call it Universal compost..that is supposed to mean every bag you buy should be the same standard..but they are Not...:no:


The corn and peas will be put out to harden off after this rain has passed..and more sowings made..:grin:..I'm will be a pea queen.

The ones I have need to be staked..but the local ones I bought to eat don' I have dried seed from them for autumn..that is when the local farmer starts them for an early spring crop.

Oh..peeeeeeas....can't Wait.


Everything got a dilute nettle tea feed give them a bit of a boost.

The tatties got planted with well rotted nettles place of manure.
I got the comfrey I'll be getting that germed and get some rows out into the field if I can..make my own green manure.

Scooby Snax...:grin:
If that is sweet corn your trying to grow it's better to direct seed them in your garden and you will need to plant some early matureing varieties along with some later maturing ones so you will have fresh corn to eat all summer long.
I've got them Both ways nammy..some early ones in pots..and some growing direct in the see if the ants or the snails get them.

I noticed loads of young snails on the border plants on the farmers I'm guessing mine are going to start shortly.
for snails, dig our a few solo cups size holes on the borders, pour some beer in the cups and you are good! Snails LOVE beer!



That's great.I don't no how much experience you have with growing field crops so if give some advice and you already no about it just tell me to fuck off.:grin:
I don't no how true it is but someone said to put a large nail right next to the plants stem and that will keep snails away.
[h=1]Magnesium Bicarbonate Alkaline Water[/h]Posted by Dr Sircus on April 14, 2015 | Filed under Magnesium, Medicine


Dr. Lynda Frassetto of University of California, San Francisco says, “Insufficient amount of bicarbonates in our blood reduces our capabilities to manage (neutralize and dump) the acid our body produces. This is the cause of aging. The age of 45 is the average age when human beings start to show symptoms of diabetes, hypertension, osteoporosis and many other adult degenerative diseases. And since we cannot manage the acid, we accumulate acidic wastes in our body. These wastes show up as cholesterol, fatty acid, uric acid, urate, sulfate, phosphate, kidney stones, etc.”
The most important function of alkaline water is to increase bicarbonates in the blood because we lose bicarbonates as we age. The change of pH value causes the stomach to produce hydrochloric acid that enters the stomach, and the bicarbonates enter the bloodstream. When we say that we alkalize our body, we do not necessarily mean increasing our saliva pH or urine pH; it means increasing the bicarbonates in our blood. The blood pH does not change, but the ability of our blood to neutralize acid in the body increases quite dramatically.[1]
In the January/February 2003 issue of American Industrial Hygiene Association Journal, Dr. Gospodinka R. Pradova published the result of a 10-year study of industrial pollution in Bulgaria. The study compares two groups of people in a plastic manufacturing plant: one group working in the plant with chemical pollution, the other in the non-polluted office environment of the same company. The conclusion shows that people living/working in a polluted environment have fewer amounts of bicarbonates in their blood than people working in a clean environment. Therefore, if you are a city dweller with a fair amount of air pollution you should take notice of your bicarbonate levels.
We live in a world that was changed from an agricultural environment to an industrial environment, which produces more pollution. Our stressful life-styles create more acid, which causes us to use up more bicarbonate. The medical society considers the reduction of bicarbonates in the blood as an inevitable fact of aging.
I and other doctors argue that the reduction of bicarbonates in the blood is the cause of aging and diseases, not the result of aging. As long as we can replenish bicarbonates in the blood, we do not have to age so fast. Sodium bicarbonate, potassium bicarbonate and magnesium bicarbonate are the ultimate least expensive anti-aging medicines there are.
Since bicarbonates enter the bloodstream only when the stomach produces hydrochloric acid, it is important that we drink as much mineral rich alkaline water as possible. On an empty stomach, the stomach pH value may be high but the amount (volume) of hydrochloric acid in the stomach is small; therefore, drinking high pH (9.5 to 10) alkaline water will raise the stomach pH relatively high. That will cause the stomach to produce more hydrochloric acid, allowing more bicarbonates to enter the bloodstream.
Drinking Mineralized Magnesium Alkaline/Bicarbonate Water
Ethan Evers says, “Magnesium (Mg) in drinking water has a higher impact that that in food, because it occurs has hydrated ions which are absorbed very efficiently (only about half of Mg from food is absorbed). Also, food cooked in Mg rich water loses less of its own Mg during cooking. A study from Taiwan showed high levels of Mg in drinking water were linked to reduced risk of several cancers, including ovarian cancer (43% risk reduction of ovarian cancer mortality.”
Magnesium researchers have long maintained that magnesium’s roles (including calcium regulation) can only be fully utilized when the body is adequately hydrated. The importance of water in the body cannot be understated for adjusting pH balance, carrying toxic elements out of the body, and for full utilization of minerals in ATP energy production.
With insufficient cellular hydration, there is only a limited amount of magnesium mineral uptake and utilization achievable, which is not enough to quench the body’s needs unless more water is taken in. Moreover, when dehydration continues, more cortisone and histamine are released exacerbating inflammatory response, and therefore more free calcium.
Like water, we need magnesium every day. There is an eternal need for magnesium as well as water and when magnesium is present in water life and health are enhanced. Before the age of alkaline water machines, the only way to combat acidity was to eat high alkaline foods like raw fruits and vegetables. Since our body is about 80% water, consuming alkaline water is a simpler way to achieve an ideal pH balance in the body.

  • Increases absorption of nutrients
  • Increases elimination of toxins and wastes
  • Acts as a scavenger of free radicals
  • Reduces inflammation
  • Raisies alkalinity
  • Helpful with skin conditions
  • Increases CO2 and bicarbonate concentrations in the blood.
  • Increases Oxygen Carrying Capacity and Delivery
Drinking high alkaline magnesium/bicarbonate water increases digestion and nutrient absorption increasing energy levels as well as detoxification of the cells. Magnesium deficiency triggers or causes the following 22 conditions; the introduction of magnesium, either by a high-magnesium diet, with green drinks, or magnesium supplements, can help alleviate these conditions and this is a short list:
[TABLE="class: leftCitation"]
[TD="width: 50%"]
  • Anxiety and panic attacks
  • Asthma
  • Blood clots
  • Bowel disease
  • Cystitis
  • Depression
  • Detoxification
  • Diabetes, Syndrome X,
    and Metabolic Syndrome
  • Fatigue
  • Heart disease
  • Hypertension
  • Hypoglycemia
  • Insomnia
  • Cancer
[TD="width: 50%"]
  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • Migraine
  • Musculoskeletal conditions
  • Nerve problems
  • Obstetrics and Gynecology—premenstrual syndrome, dysmenorrhea (cramping pain during menses), infertility, premature contractions, preeclampsia, and eclampsia in pregnancy, lessens the risk of cerebral palsy and Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
  • Osteoporosis
  • Raynaud’s Syndrome
  • Tooth decay
Water Based Medicine is different from other water books. It is not just about water but what we need to put in it. If one cannot buy the best-bottled waters in the world in California (Noah’s water) or the best in Australia called Unique Water we need to get magnesium bicarbonate concentrate and make the best water in the world ourselves.
I don't no how true it is but someone said to put a large nail right next to the plants stem and that will keep snails away.

Nammy..I have been standing here for two days with a snail on me nail...what do I do with it now...?...give it a beer like briman suggested...:dunno:
