
Yup CanadianBudz...:smokebuds:..JEM dom....

The WR thrown them all rank and file...and there is a colour density change..
so if you get the WR dom trics on ALF#3..it Mutes all the calyx colours..
softer colours.
Here's another pheno of the duurty dragons
I LOVE IT boomer..:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:.. I'll add it to the Poll tomorrow..

(It is getting late over here..and I'm stoned and Un-sober...
best not be waving me mod wand around ATM..:no: ...Anything could happen...)
nice one wiz. just got the small fella to bed, heading out to the shed to check the girls one last time this year. time for a few swift jamesons and a big purple spliff to see in 2012 in the right state of mind. happy new year bro:smokebuds:
Lovely pics as always folks - this is what I love about the Sanctuary thread - never know what pic/strain etc might make a showing but ya know they're gonna be good!

glaucoma...you don't know how accurate you are......I've just been having the Cross Blessing Ceremony.....the Darkside and the Blackside....
the fight between the forces of Good and Evil..the World will never be the same again...:no:

Told ya, can see the future here in Aus!! Makes me laugh though cause not long before I put the pic up (that outfit looks good on you Wiz!) my mind went - Bam! Haze/Dragon Cross. OK, not exactly a new idea on my part but it jumped into my head saying "The future is almost here - hurry up!". Bring on the D Haze!

The first Auto for 2012 is already in the Earth...:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

That makes me SO HAPPY...:booya:

and a few others that have stuck their heads above ground just before and just after the turn of the clock - might be over-run with autos here soon!!
Thanks for that, WIZ. "Ding-dong the troll is dead, the mean ole troll, the wicked troll..."

My DD is getting darker by the minute. It boggled mt mind how fast they went from green/white to purple/black! I never would have guessed they could change so fast. 2 weeks ago I would have said I had white JEMS and DDs. Then "BAM!" Musta been all the kolour karma sent!

HAPPY NEW YEAR.....:jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:

Wishing you all..Safety..Health..Happiness and Wealth for 2012....

:booya: :booya: :booya: :booya: :booya: :booya: :booya: :booya: :booya: :booya:
What a view you have, Wiz. If you dont mind answering, what basic neck o the woods do you hail from? (Unless, of course, you want to give me yer home addy. Ill bring the Zig Zags!) Just Kidding. Is that a monster pepper plant on the left?
I still have 6 hours til 2012... :pop:

Just fired up the still. Gonna make some 190+ proof cane alcohol for my tinc making buds. Hopefully I dont blow the place up!:firedevil: