Bobby and black dragon :D
I kinda think that ICU#1 would be older than the others due to its name - unless you reuse the ICUs - but Ill go with ICU and Giggle Juice. With GJ being a photo and ICU an auto sister...
ICU and Bobby- just because they are so diff. I just shot a couple more pix of my black beauties... I still cant believe how fast they color up!

Im gonna say black dragon and icu
dont think there are any guess's left lol but i was gonna say bobbys and giggle juice, has that been done already? lol, night all and happy new year:smoke:
happy New year to everyone at afn :smokebuds:
Look at all the Fairies! We're gonna wipe Wiz out! He better start a seed run!

3 more hours and FIREWORKS WILL BE LEGAL HERE!!! Ive been waitin for this day since I was a pup!