Looks like I got a white JEM pheno? hope its a good enough pic, sorry about it being so large

Aaaaggghhh...look at Me....ready for the Battle with the Darkside....

It even quite looks like Me..I Think it is the legs....:crying:

I LOVE IT...:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:
Bailer...look at this.....


Stone has Trimmed..you see the % coverage of your favourite trait...

Duurty...Again...:booya: :booya: :booya:
Aw Batz..she is Stunning...:clap: :clap: :clap:...Well Grown Bro.....

You have Lit the trics up Perfectly...Diamonte.....:wiz:
Mind...it is getting the Black Duurty that got you your Christmas Fairy..Instant Seed Prize.....:clap: :clap: :clap:

I Think That qualifies as an Auto Troll Killer..:wiz:

I hope that damn auto troll took his last breath. Ive been trying to do him in
for 2 1/2 mos!


Yes...I Thought so...:D

Another one Down and another one down..another Troll bites the dust...:dance:

Heres my Duurtie Dragon. She just started darkening up a few days ago:

i had to raid my 4 year old's arts and craft box as my JEM was dwarfed by
regular christmas decorations lol. hope ye like it:bong:

I LOVE IT boomer..:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:.. I'll add it to the Poll tomorrow..

(It is getting late over here..and I'm stoned and Un-sober...
best not be waving me mod wand around ATM..:no: ...Anything could happen...)

Aw Cheers LEVER32ooo...Much Appreciated Bro...:clap: :clap: :clap:..didn't want to pester when I know it is not a Good time..
it wouldn't feel like a Proper AFN Party if we didn't have some of your Beautiful Girls in..

Don't know what it is..but you certainly attract the Red-heads don't you..
the JEM..now the Duurty...
R-r-r-racey Reds...:smokebuds: