I WAS taking the baking soda in carbonated water..
then I read that Any carbonated drink..who ever makes is has a PH of around 2.5..acid..so it will counter act the baking soda so I dropped back to plain water a couple of days ago..

JM said oxygen kills yeasts..and as part of the problem IS yeasts..
the bubbled water can only help....

The book begins by explaining what the acid/alkaline of your body has to do with the acid/alkaline influence of foods. It then explains how the pH of foods, once eaten, may change in your body, eg. citric acid fruits, once digested, become alkaline.

I'll be getting this book/info for the end of January...but I'm using the b/soda blind until then.
im using a aceai berry flush it turns your ass into a damn waterfall nothing stays in your system longer then a hr. not even water.
Same hiccups I was getting Friday morning, not for very long though. I did have a couple of tabs open, and was writing posts on each. Went to submit - WHAM denied and posts were gone. Haven't taken the time to rewrite the posts. Enjoying the weekend.

I need to get off this host for one, the script needs to be baby sat for sure. I ran the maintence scripts today, it removed 6 megs of overhead data from the mysql databases. It wasn't adding sections for me last night ither.

The good news is they are beta testing the 4.1.1 patch right now. So i'd say we are not far offf having a patch installed. Which will fix inserting images, and a few other things. Hopefully get the spellchecker going too. I am baaaad with spelling.
The growing pains of a new release. At least the basic stuff is working for the most part.

I am going to produce some how-to's for people, with pics. So they can figure out their side of the settings and how to work the script. There is alot more to this one than RIU or IC, in terms of how you can post your material up.

I'd say we are only using abut 70% of what the script CAN do.
Awesome! I knew there was more to it than we've been using, seems like a real nice interface too... looking forward to the patch release!

IF you have health insurance..stellate ganglion nerve blocks DO work..
they are a bit hitty missy until they get the right nerve isolated out..
but once they do..you would notice a big difference in the Volume of the pain..

Brings it down to Liveable levels...enough to give you time to catch your breath back.

Is the majority of your nerve pain above or below the waist...?

Right this is the result of 6 years of homework..and I would say that I have about a 70% remission with it..
when I go down..I still go down hard..
but my Well periods are getting longer and longer.

I need you to take your temperature every morning for 5 mornings..and bring it back to me.
As soon as you wake up..no drinking or talking..so put it on the night stand and do it on waking.

I need you to measure Your run-off..seriously..and bring that back to me..you can post it in my mails if you want.
Tomorrow..first thing in the morning..and again between 2-4pm

Simply put if your system is too acidic..You are Ill..
If you balance it back up to alkalinity..you will start to get well.

After you have taken your afternoon pee-test..
I want you to put 5 mls..teaspoon of Baking soda into a glass of WATER..and drink it..

It is the fastest..safest way to start rebalancing your acidity level...just to give it a test..see if it work for You.

Come back to me with your readings..coz I Mght need you to up this a bit..after I see how acidic your system is.

I have been there and I know it is so soul destroying that I would rather give you no hope..than False hope..

BUT..I Think you will find this will help..

See the increase in body oygen..that is what we need to turn on to feed the screaming nerves.

good to know... checked in tonight at 5.84... hmmm gotta get that fixed!
Welcome back FullD...
Did I see you mention the magic word...MMMonsters..I'm waiting to see
Thanks for the welcome back my friend and i have something for you.


damn FD got monsters in his house gonna have to call ghost busters or bud busters im thinking the second one cause they come with rolling papers.