JM..cheers for the Reminder Bro...
just cut down today..gonna have an autopsy tomorrow..
get a better idea.
Can't make me mind up if it is damage from the day my tomato plant got hammered burned half the leaves off that.

Planning on finding some willows near me to start amending my bubbler water with...
miracle water II ? :) i have more or less the whole scale theres days where id rather be dead then deal with it another day. i have a full spectrum of pain nerve and muscle wise plus arthritis to boot im 27 feel like im 207. theres days i can even get out of bed it kills me cause i got a 3yr step daughter and she always wants me to play with her.
That is it ZERO..that is the mcgill pain index I was talking about...
you the Causalgia..42 on the pain index...?

Me too..
they call it the suicide disease..
I guessed when I saw you mentioning it that we had the same thing

McGill Pain Index So many have asked us for a picture of the McGill Pain Index, so here it is. There are many versions out there. This one includes various types of childbirth pain as well.

Causalgia is Latin for "burning pain". It was the first name coined for CRPS.

As you can see, Causalgia is far and away the most painful form of Chronic Pain that exists!

This is a good tool to use with your loved ones to help them compare our pain with other diseases and problems they can relate to. It also helps you to see that you are NOT exaggerating your pain one little bit!

I suppose it is a daft thing to ask..because most chronic pain patients are unable to work..
do you have health insurance

do you have a PH meter

do you have a thermometer

and do you have any baking soda.....
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IF you have health insurance..stellate ganglion nerve blocks DO work..
they are a bit hitty missy until they get the right nerve isolated out..
but once they would notice a big difference in the Volume of the pain..

Brings it down to Liveable levels...enough to give you time to catch your breath back.

Is the majority of your nerve pain above or below the waist...?

Right this is the result of 6 years of homework..and I would say that I have about a 70% remission with it..
when I go down..I still go down hard..
but my Well periods are getting longer and longer.

do you have a thermometer
I need you to take your temperature every morning for 5 mornings..and bring it back to me.
As soon as you wake drinking or put it on the night stand and do it on waking.

do you have a PH meter
I need you to measure Your run-off..seriously..and bring that back to can post it in my mails if you want.
Tomorrow..first thing in the morning..and again between 2-4pm

Simply put if your system is too acidic..You are Ill..
If you balance it back up to will start to get well.

and do you have any baking soda.....
After you have taken your afternoon pee-test..
I want you to put 5 mls..teaspoon of Baking soda into a glass of WATER..and drink it..

It is the fastest..safest way to start rebalancing your acidity level...just to give it a test..see if it work for You.

Come back to me with your readings..coz I Mght need you to up this a bit..after I see how acidic your system is.

I have been there and I know it is so soul destroying that I would rather give you no hope..than False hope..

BUT..I Think you will find this will help..

Acidic 5-6
Poor digestion of food
Low immune system, increased possibility of illness
Less oxygen circulating around the body
Increased fat storage
Less cell rejuvenation
Optimum breeding ground for bacteria
Decreased energy levels
Organs over stressed
Possible muscle bone wastage
Alkaline 6-7
More energy
Immune system working at optimum level to fight disease and illness
Increased absorption of nutrients
Less fat storage
Stronger hair, skin and nails
Healthier mental state of mind
Increase your body's oxygen Organs working at comfortable and optimum levels

When your pH is continuously between 6.75 in the morning and

See the increase in body oygen..that is what we need to turn on to feed the screaming nerves.
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stellate ganion nerve blocks? is that like accupuncture?

thats terrific info wiz... still tryin to stop typing mossy... lol
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stellate ganion nerve blocks? is that like accupuncture?

I Wish JM...I Wish..:(

If your nerve pain is below the is a procedure very similar to an Epidural
like they give to pregnant women...same place in the back..
just stronger..longer lasting.

Long term anasthesia direct into the spinal column.

If it is above the is not as easy...:no:
the blocks are the cutting of nerves in some cases but the issue i have with that is no doctor will even go neer my back outta fear of malpractice ive been to 5 different neurosurgeons and none will even look at operating the medical community has left me out to dry doctors wont help me period as far as pain. ive been told over and over we cant help you your to young of a man to have a narcotic addiction. Ive been to pain clinics and refuse there "only" treatment option of shooting hydro cortozone into my spine a close friend of mine died from the exact same thing they shot it in the wrong area and went into a coma for 7 yrs before they pulled the plug i will not put my life in the hands of a intern with a shitty additude. so here iam between the rock and a hard place but imm gonna give what ya said a go Wiz think the vitamins i been taking will effect it? cause one of them is a system flush.
I Think the vits will need a system flush..
the baking soda will do the need to sh*t some of the sh*t out of your system.

I was due to be a "certain number" in treatment where they put botox into the spinal column as a longer lasting pain killer..
I was a guinea-pig for the Experimental treatment because I couldn't tolerate the Prescription meds.

As it happened..I was having a good patch when my number came I asked to postpone.

Went to my next appointment..asked if I was getting the botox..and they said has been withdrawn..
the person that had the treatment in your place has been on a ventilator for the last 3 months.

just missed it.

so here iam between the rock and a hard place but imm gonna give what ya said a go Wiz
Do is he route that I have taken to recognise..and start putting myself into remission..
and I Think that the PH balance is My last piece of the jigsaw.

I wanna be Well too....:thumbs:
I gonna do the vitamins the oxygen water and of course my ganja its the only meds i take anymore cause it replaced all the other things that caused my system to go down hard.