Definetly man.. definetly... did you catch the vieo of the LL's back a couple pages btw?

wiz are thay seeds on the paper if thay are is the top one realy purple ?:clap:
Red stoneyhomer...

2 secs..I had a photo in to show'll get it.. got the purple coloured seed last year in his Bad Betty..I Think...
I said I would bring the reds in to show him next time I got them.

They are off the DC in the christmas pot.

Morning ladies and gents. That is a pretty cool little bean box you have there, and I love the colored seeds.

Wb FullD.

Everything Is looking good over here. The ladies are starting to pack on some weight. It's looking like 2 weeks is going to do it for me them.
new green 109.jpg A couple trics are starting to milk over a little (picked up a great little hand-held scope at radio shack yesterday for 13 bucks) What do you guys think? 2 Weeks?
Ah..there you are HHH...
I have been hunting about 10 pages back for you.

I saw a post from you..and lost it by the time I came back this morning.
Never Thought to tell you about the name change..I'm not quite used to it myself yet..

when I saw your post I though..Damn...if you were looking for the Old Me on wouldn't find me...

Guess you looked for the thread of the person who talks the most..and you found me...:cool:

Some beautious ladies you have Wiz.. Just think how they would look if you had full sun on them... In due time the season will roll around... would not believe how much of a difference FullD's amended water has made.
I call it miracle is That good.

I'm only on around 9.5 natural light..and they have been outdoor for a couple of weeks.

Mind..I've just found a mold problem..or Frost damage..not sure which..
But..I cut a couple on the oguns out..
didn't want to risk a contamination of the rest..
this time of year it would Rampage if it got a hold.

so I fretting now..
But I have kept them virtually off ferts all I have my hopes up they will be okay.
damn Wiz even the seeds change colors for you. you sure you dont have magic creatures tied up in the basement your beating to make these things?
Mind..I've just found a mold problem..or Frost damage..not sure which..
But..I cut a couple on the oguns out..
didn't want to risk a contamination of the rest..
this time of year it would Rampage if it got a hold.

so I fretting now..
But I have kept them virtually off ferts all I have my hopes up they will be okay

remember that article on willow? Might be something to think about...:

The Agricultural Research Service is investigating the reasons behind aspirin’s beneficial effects.
Plants make salicylic acid to trigger natural defenses against bacteria, fungi, and viruses. Aspirin thus is an activator of ‘Systemic Acquired Resistance’ (SAR).
- from the "Magic Willow?" article here on our home site
Ha funny you say your not used to the new name... in that last post I almost posted your old name... haha Plants look good and looks like you are staying busy over there. Glad to see you back online and doing your thing
Glad to see you back online and doing your thing
Cheers Bro...Glad you came to see me.
I haven't had a trout in AGES....:pimp:

You sitting with seed for spring...?

Evening HBS...two seconds and I'll have a look..I'm in the photo disappears..:lol:

damn Wiz even the seeds change colors for you. you sure you dont have magic creatures tied up in the basement your beating to make these things? weren't supposed to tell anyone..
I said it was Our Secret...:eek:

JM..cheers for the Reminder Bro...
just cut down today..gonna have an autopsy tomorrow..
get a better idea.
Can't make me mind up if it is damage from the day my tomato plant got hammered burned half the leaves off that.
ZERO..have a read of this..not the name of the nerve damage..check the Symptoms...see if they are the same as you have
Look at the McGill pain index..tell me if that is your pain-level.

Two secs..I'm having probs posting it

no..doesn't want to do it..I'll try to get it for you tomorrow..I'll have to go back over my files.
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