im gonna be snaging them here shortly the naga vipers if anyone else would like some once they come in let me know
What you call naga vipers or ghost are the same ones I have I will try to start those in a week or so...have you ever grown the penis peppers..? JM your peppers look delicious
What you call naga vipers or ghost are the same ones I have I will try to start those in a week or so...have you ever grown the penis peppers..? JM your peppers look delicious

aHHH... OK... also... you know slightly more acidic soil will produce a hotter pepper..
No! Penis peppers? I gotta get some of those just for shock factor! lol

Thanks for the compliment... and they are delicious! mmmm
Im having the hell to load pictures on this i tried another way put them on riu and put the link here lets see if it here is a pic of the penis pepper this is the best pic i could find for now...they are kinda like a jalapeño but hotter...

and if anyone can tell me what is going on with my La Blanca' leaves its not on all of them thanx but on some like 3 or 4 lower leaves... i thought it was a mag/cal issue gave it some epsom a week ago but im noticing it is getting more...dont think its over nuted as im alternating and givin a 1/4 I am about to give it some so if anyone has some ideas would be great.


Love it! I know some girls I could really have agreat time kiddin around with with a penis pepper! lol

Almost looks like water spots causing light burn?

Whats ur soil ph... or better... runoff ph?

also... potentially:

Leaf miners
These Little creatures are a pain to get rid of, the miners eat and dig squiggly lines into your leaves all the while planting there larvae in them making it hard to get rid of them. They plant there eggs in the leaves in mid When they hatch they feed off of your leaves untill they get big enough to pupate. Pupation occurs within the leaf or in the soil beneath the plant. After they emerge the entire cycle will start over and you will have a bigger infestation.

Controls: Natural control for these insects is difficult. You can remove affected leaves and discard them. Chemical control is hard and is ment towards the emerging adults. Since the larvae is well protected within the leaf. Neem oil will work well.

Pictures 3-4 shows leaf miners attack

thought it seems more like spots from lightor a ph issue.
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I pickle them sometimes and sell em as a novelty water spots...i havent misted her...maybe once but a very long time of ph dont know soil ph....says 6....i think i need to order a good ph tester. cause the one i just start using since I ranout of actually for fresh water aquariums..mid range from 6.2-7.4 but i did some rain water and tap...rain water bubbled and non bubbled was similar and yesterday i tried with the tap as I know it has chlorine in it you can smell it and with the strips long time ago it came up high acidic..but now with this aquar test the tap seems to come out with less ph than the rain...and the same bubbled or non run off I really cant test and wont be able to get any ph test for at least a week if yo know of a good one that uses drops or ?? shoot me the name so I can try to order some...the soil I tested with the soil ph tester with the probe.
nice meter with a real pretty penny....a lil too pretty for me right now...LOLOL you will def have fun with those peppers if your only gettin ideas of what youd like to do....i may have already
Morning m8's....:smoke:

Great discussion going on..:thumbs:
just what I want
back to read properly when I have taken the dog out..

Whoever bred the penis pepper has a hell of a sense of Humour...