Hey \|/Joker420\|/ .......:smoke:

i swear every time i smoke this in a joint my tongue goes numb....pretty cool shit

Good to know all your hard work brings Rewards...:thumbs:
When in Rome, do as the Romans..
When in The Sanctuary, appreciate nature... :)


For circulation...cayenne is one of the best herbs topically I make a tea mix usually cayenne, ginger and garlic and I do add some gingko biloba. gingko is good for blood circulation esp cerebral so it helps the memory. after depending excatly what the prob is there may be other herbs to mix with to make a better remedy.
now how JM is using it making a infused oil is good...can also make a salve with it. but best to wear gloves cause its not nice to have that on your hands as its hard to get it off and go to the bathroom....let alone have to wipe...LOL...Now there are some essential oils I use also for circulation in a massage oil..which ones depends on the condition but here is a list of some peppermint e.o., cypress, ginger, clove, black pepper, juniper. we can go on for days but these are ...normally more easier to find...im going to look that book up on amazon....and I have some really interesting info on cayenne also...let look for my neuro science book....
my backs still killing me but i keep on truckin im like a timex take a lickin and keep on tickin
ROFL... gloves are for pussies! lol
No... he's right to caution: I've had my hands turn a wicked red because oil infusions take a little longer than say a water-based infusion. The oil can take up to 2 or 3 mintues to show full heat effect. I make mine really hot... but I'm used to it... I usually combine about 5 lbs jalapenos and 3 or 4 chocolate habanero peppers with 1 qt of oil in a blender... blend for a min or so... and then cook on the stove or in a crocpot at about 160 degrees for 2-3 hours... then strain well... real well I reccomend the highest grade mesh you can get. Little pieces of chocolate habanero peppers can really burn bad if you let them through.. I like to use my old drip-style coffe pot with the real fine re-useable screen... this gets the little pieces out... altenativley... dont chop as fine.. maybe cook a lil longer to compensate...

to test:
1 dip your pinky in... just the very very tip... then just touch the ti of your tongue to it... now wait 3 minutes before going any further.

warning: Super freaking Hot!

It's great for all kinds of other things too... but maybe ths isn't the forum for that.. :)

I'll leave to your imagination... keep in mind hot peppers release endorpines ... these are the body's pleasure hormones.. or something like that... nuff said.
its pretty much my whole spine from a accident years ago and a super screwed up surgery it causes me alot of issues like lost of feeling in arms and legs they randomly give out i have severe nerve damage sometimes it cause vision to go out or distort. Incredibly bad migraines. pain that makes death look like a good option sometimes. ive delt with it for 4 yrs with no meds cause the meds were worse then the things they were used to fix. it was just about a yr ago i started smoking cannabis again to try and treat it. Ive had everything from creams ,pill and oils everything in between. the medical community wont do jack to help me cause there afraid of taking the blame for someone elses screw up. but enough of my rant i dont wanna jack the thread.If it wasnt for the sweet leaf i dont think id be here today. Thats why its pretty much become my life.
wow your mix is pretty hot...5lb..qt oil...I use some peppers i grow here which are about 150,000-200,000_ heat units..a bit hotter than habs some of them cause the jamaican scotch bonnet is very hot its like a hab same shape etc...dont know the H.U. right now but I have another type im about to start growing now which is the hottest in the world...the BHUT JOLOKIA rated at 970,000 H.U. yes there will be some potent med from this one..
its pretty much my whole spine from a accident years ago and a super screwed up surgery it causes me alot of issues like lost of feeling in arms and legs they randomly give out i have severe nerve damage sometimes it cause vision to go out or distort. Incredibly bad migraines. pain that makes death look like a good option sometimes. ive delt with it for 4 yrs with no meds cause the meds were worse then the things they were used to fix. it was just about a yr ago i started smoking cannabis again to try and treat it. Ive had everything from creams ,pill and oils everything in between. the medical community wont do jack to help me cause there afraid of taking the blame for someone elses screw up. but enough of my rant i dont wanna jack the thread.If it wasnt for the sweet leaf i dont think id be here today. Thats why its pretty much become my life.

It really sounds bad bro..sounds like some pinched nerves among other things nerve repair is hard but possible slowly...there should be a couple herbal options to help you though some at least without f'n up your liver or whatever messed up side effects some of the conventional meds do...but not to get to into this n off da topic of autos etc...need a consultation to find something to try to see if it makes a diff just ask....cant stand to have or know people in pain if it could be helped...glad you still hangin in...makes you stronger..
wow your mix is pretty hot...5lb..qt oil...I use some peppers i grow here which are about 150,000-200,000_ heat units..a bit hotter than habs some of them cause the jamaican scotch bonnet is very hot its like a hab same shape etc...dont know the H.U. right now but I have another type im about to start growing now which is the hottest in the world...the BHUT JOLOKIA rated at 970,000 H.U. yes there will be some potent med from this one..

well shit.. frikin logged out again while posting... screw it..,. heres some pics... frustrating..
IMG00699.jpgIMG00487.jpgIMG00525.jpgIMG00546.jpgIMG00553.jpgIMG00555.jpgIMG00579.jpgIMG00634.jpgIMG00681.jpgIMG00700.jpg IMG00721.jpgIMG00722.jpgIMG00660.jpgWanted to add a lil color to this convo... :)

My jalepenos are 25,000, chocolate habneros are 350,000 and the cherry bombs are 65,000

There's also a pepper called the Ghost pepper at 1.3 mill scovilles... actually encounter is supposed to get me a few of those seeds... :)
