Seed Stockers Rustys Seedstockers Gelato41 solo cup

I reckon shes up :eyebrows:... Seeing as she's the only Gelato 41 I have left I'm calling her my official entrant now :crying::crying: I'm restocking the organic potions and ammendment store at the weekend, so we should be good moving forward.
Due to funds being low I had to rush out and get some 3 quid seedling soil so I can keep the solocup entry alive... So I have no idea what will happen or how to approach feeding it, I'll be using the force and guesswork mostly, but I'm looking forward to the challenge and also the upgraded solocup holderuperizer and scrogelator :crying::smoking:
Here is the Solo Cup Holder with built in scrog net... Prototype #1.. You saw it here first... I'll be building a more refined simpler design if this test works out. Dimensions will need to be adjusted but as required.
The idea is to hold the cup firmly for the duration of the grow, whilst showing the base of the cup to prove no roots are protruding for solo cup rules.
Before it reaches the top net I'll top the plant once or twice to get the desired spread of growth... The top net will serve 2 purposes, to arrange the growth and help keep it all secure and stable.

:vibes: :d5: :smoking:
She is still up alive and standing firm folks.
Im just waiting on a shipment of Guanokalong bat powder and I'm restocked.. I just need to work out how this lot

Into here

The only 2 bits I use that you will find on the canna nute shelves are the guanokalong bat powder and Batboost. The rest of my armoury are cheap effective organic fertilisers that you would likely find in uncle Frank's allotment shed next to a stack of readers wives and razzle :rofl:
The girls are kicking out the jams on it so all good. It's going to be interesting working out a top feed shedule and getting it into the tiny amount of soil.

Happy days :smoking::vibes:
Day 10 update gelato 41 Solo cup
Update day 10. Gelato 41 solo
Trucking on and getting a foot hold..
Daily Maxicrop organic seaweed foliar spray.
1st tiny top dress of a few chicken poo pellets,
half a teaspoon of fish blood n bone and bone meal mixed in a little bit of compost
Watered in with some seaweed.. I'm hoping if this works, to just do this periodically until it switches to flower and then swap to bat powder mixed with compost and watered in with Batboost

There is limited space to keep top dressing like this so I'm planing to scoop an inch of soil of the top and replacing it each time with fresh mix to water through.
If it's not working ill have to get hold of some organic liquid feed.
This is my official update for this week
@St. Tom @Seedstockers-Mark
:d5: :vibes: