Indoor Rust spots and drying leaves... What it is?

how close exactly? can you shuffle the plants in there to get her more in a corner and out of direct blasting? You can, but it's kinda late, and the stem may be pretty stiff,... read up on supercropping, I'm not there to see and feel, so it's a hard call this late in the game.....
how close exactly? can you shuffle the plants in there to get her more in a corner and out of direct blasting? You can, but it's kinda late, and the stem may be pretty stiff,... read up on supercropping, I'm not there to see and feel, so it's a hard call this late in the game.....
Oh they are up there. I will try to raise it some but pretty much a few tips are 2 inches from the led. This photo had to much time to veg as my autos finished, hence her size.
I think it was three gallons.

What's the optimal ppm range generally?
Mines been dependant on strain and age. Ive fed as high as 1200 ppm. But i would say most of mine are comfortable between 600-800. I tend to stay around 400-500 first 3 and half weeks then up it once they are about to shoot up. Then increase it. This is based off about 8 or 9 plants over last 5 months or so using that device. Im sure others have a more in depth answer but i say with experience youll read your plants and decide for yourself how much you need. I think around 1600 is lockout though
best do something mate, but again I can only suggest,... I've seen a staff grow with Anvils that were literally into and past the Q-board lights, and they were OK,... other times, I've seen bleaching on other buds from other type lights a foot away,....
Keep an eye on your flowers for nanners. Mine must've popped a couple that I missed when they were heat stressed and a few of my buds are seeded [emoji53]

always learning...
Keep an eye on your flowers for nanners. Mine must've popped a couple that I missed when they were heat stressed and a few of my buds are seeded [emoji53]

always learning...
I actually have a clone I turned to produce pollen so seeds are kinda something I'm going for (in moderation). But the tall colas close to the lights look good. I'm continuing to watch them.

Thanks for the input :)
I actually have a clone I turned to produce pollen so seeds are kinda something I'm going for (in moderation). But the tall colas close to the lights look good. I'm continuing to watch them.

Thanks for the input :)
Just a breeding tip. You can remove that male elsewhere. Cur a branch and shake it into a bag or something. Collect the pollen then remove the female from the tent. Use that bag of pollen to get on a few bud sites. Then after about an hour rinse the female bud site and put back in tent. This way you only are pollinating a few buds and youll get seeds and youll for sure not get pollen elsewhwre or having seeds in whole plant. If you knew this already great. Just thought id add this in there. Im hopefully gonna make my own strains soon.
Just a breeding tip. You can remove that male elsewhere. Cur a branch and shake it into a bag or something. Collect the pollen then remove the female from the tent. Use that bag of pollen to get on a few bud sites. Then after about an hour rinse the female bud site and put back in tent. This way you only are pollinating a few buds and youll get seeds and youll for sure not get pollen elsewhwre or having seeds in whole plant. If you knew this already great. Just thought id add this in there. Im hopefully gonna make my own strains soon.
My male has already left the tent. :) Sitting by the window, contemplating how he would love to be back in that tent. Lol.
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