Indoor Rust spots and drying leaves... What it is?

Ok i use gallons so your almost a gallon a day thats good. That means shes not locked out yet. When you get extra cash get a ppm meter. Its good to figure out whats going in and whata going out to see if they are eating. My guess is its just now starting..being in soil and your runoff being 5.8 just gives me flashbacks lol. I honestly would feed higher next watering. Thats for sure out of soil eating zone. Also since you post in the infirmary. Tag waira. Hes like the yoda of this stuff.
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Also when you say your tent tempersture where are you taking the temp at? Right at the top of plant? Bottom of tent? Jw
Ive been using one by honeforest its on amazon for 15 bucks. It gives water temp too. Someone else on here recommended it to me. No complaints. I really enjoy using this device. It helps alot.
:toke:-- Karl, how far away are the lights? T and RH% are out of range, bad VPD happening here I think... read up in the reference section on vapor pressure deficit, which relates to how T, RH%, and transpiration rates relate to each other,.. air movement also to a lesser degree unless blasting,... it's at least partly the problem here,... It looks mostly like K defc., but ironically K toxicity presents pretty much the same... 2tsp/gal on your nutes, any idea what that is in ppm? Dosage seems high....
... other symptoms do smack of a micronute(pale patchs on top leaves ), but this can be magnified by the bad VPD, and/or overly close light distances and/or too much light.... all of this can be happening at once too, so it's not a simple one-thing deal here....
pH is always suspect with FuxFarms slagg soil... Run-off is not a good measure of pH, especially if you used feeds, or adjusted the water for pH,... it skews the pH... there's an improved run off pH test method in the section above this one, check that out too,... at 5.8, it's already showing to be off which is contributing to the issues here....
pending the light info, and running that run-off test and calculation, it's hard to say if a flush is in order to purge excess (this is why the ppm' in run-off is helpful info), or to correct the pH sooner....
:toke:-- Karl, how far away are the lights? T and RH% are out of range, bad VPD happening here I think... read up in the reference section on vapor pressure deficit, which relates to how T, RH%, and transpiration rates relate to each other,.. air movement also to a lesser degree unless blasting,... it's at least partly the problem here,... It looks mostly like K defc., but ironically K toxicity presents pretty much the same... 2tsp/gal on your nutes, any idea what that is in ppm? Dosage seems high....
... other symptoms do smack of a micronute(pale patchs on top leaves ), but this can be magnified by the bad VPD, and/or overly close light distances and/or too much light.... all of this can be happening at once too, so it's not a simple one-thing deal here....
pH is always suspect with FuxFarms slagg soil... Run-off is not a good measure of pH, especially if you used feeds, or adjusted the water for pH,... it skews the pH... there's an improved run off pH test method in the section above this one, check that out too,... at 5.8, it's already showing to be off which is contributing to the issues here....
pending the light info, and running that run-off test and calculation, it's hard to say if a flush is in order to purge excess (this is why the ppm' in run-off is helpful info), or to correct the pH sooner....
Thank you waira. Looking at the vpd chart, with being at 90f in temps and it's tough to bring that down, I see rh at around 70%. But that's also not optimal for flowering. I'm gonna have to review how I can get the heat out. The plants are close to the lights too. I can't bring it up any more or lower the plant.
2nd time I'm writing this....

Got my ppm meter yesterday. How is 160ppm in, 3000+ppm out? Good? Bad? I think I know the answer.

I flushed her down to about 580ppm coming out. pH is in line now in/out. Poor girl.

She going strong. All this messing with her brought out some amazing flavors though!

Thanks for the help so far
:greenthumb: flush indeed! 3000ppm = :yoinks: had K/nute burn it would seem, plus the general lockouts/uptake problems that brings,... Light proximity will still be a problem, unless maybe you supercrop and kink that stem down to a better level... When you see it getting close earlier on next time, go ahead and do that sooner... the node bud will turn up and may fatten even more in response, silly as it looks... it works great!

@Boognelson87 :yoda: :rofl: ...(I hope that emoti' made it)
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2nd time I'm writing this....

Got my ppm meter yesterday. How is 160ppm in, 3000+ppm out? Good? Bad? I think I know the answer.

I flushed her down to about 580ppm coming out. pH is in line now in/out. Poor girl.

She going strong. All this messing with her brought out some amazing flavors though!

Thanks for the help so far
Ya thats not good at all. Good thinf you got that meter. How much water did you need to bring it down that far?
:greenthumb: flush indeed! 3000ppm = :yoinks: had K/nute burn it would seem, plus the general lockouts/uptake problems that brings,... Light proximity will still be a problem, unless maybe you supercrop and kink that stem down to a better level... When you see it getting close earlier on next time, go ahead and do that sooner... the node bud will turn up and may fatten even more in response, silly as it looks... it works great!
Thanks! Are your suggesting I supercrop or kink now? The tall colas actually show now signs of distress. I prefer to leave her alone up they're and get the soil right. I'm scared to screw this up now.
