Rust spots on upper leaves?

heres a good example:

that's a TEXTBOOK example! I aspire to get that good some day! Pretty sure you topped them as well, by the looks of it!

@DogterB I find this acceptable (because it's mine, of course :biggrin:) - but I think it's achievable in a few grows worth of experience!
Scrog - Copy.png
I achieved this only during flower stretch with supercropping the main stems at the start (squshing them just enough to send the message - this stem is a bit in danger, maybe use the side ones) and then LST the side ones when they started shooting harder.

I prefer to LST / squish stems right before a watering session - the stems are most flexible then.
When they're full of water you have greater risk of breaking them.

BTW - I'm still playing catch-up my self with the P, probably next watering they'll get better. so, let's use the pic below as an example of deficiency I'm not sweating too much about :D as well as how hard you have to go on those stems:
LST - Copy.png
every day try to take a few leaves off. just like anything alive, slower is better than all together at once.
you can do the OG method of cutting before the leaf's midpoint also, I prefer that lately, where there's no bud under the leaf.
if there's bud under the leaf (even a tiny side-shoot) - bud takes priority for obvious reasons.

let's talk a bit about defoliating:
The leaves drive nutrient uptake. they basically are the evaporators from the water absorbed from soil. the more evaporators you have, the more soil uptake you can do. Ideally, if you can keep temps down, the RH will stay down as well. the hotter it gets, the more humid it gets.
Everytime you take a leaf, you slow down the nutrient highway towards the buds.

Ex: to save my leaves and not have to defoliate, I prefer to keep the window open and it's right now 14C outside :D I put a sweater on and think of all the extra-fat buds I'll get as a reward.

If you can't lower temps, then you have to defoliate.


Each day go for main offenders first. If a leaf is sitting in direct contact with another leaf - very dangerous! look at the one under it - it's literally wet!
either cut each leaf in half or exfoliate one of them. Which one to choose? the one furthest away from budsites and which prefferably has another leaf above, on the same stem.

Take it one day at a time, you'll gain better airflow with each defoliation session which in turn will already help the remaining leaves dry up better.

Looking at your pics, I'd say do 4-6 leaves per day. 4 being target, 6 if you find a lot of problem spots. do this 2-3 days in a row, pause for a day and from there on do every 2 days until all airy and lit properly.

Runty bud stems
Any side-stems with buds that look like they'll not make it to the light and are severely falling behind - they must go as well.
They're not gonna make it anyway and they'll just need leaves for no good reason and pull off resources off the main budsites anyway.
In your pictures - any stem that has its top budsite (the tallest) ending at the first scrog - lose the leaf under the stem and the stem entirely. it's a lost cause anyway.
View attachment 1384755

Water a bit less often as well - the less water you put in the system, the less water the system will evaporate in the grow chamber.
I would rather have a thirstier plant with no mold than a fed-up plant molding up.
View attachment 1384747

I ended up putting the lower fan to blow upwards, and opening up the intake ports on both sides 100%
It does miracles.
Think about it - if your black fan at the base of the tent is blowing air against the intake port across the tent (more or less) how can air enter through there and more importantly, will air from the intake port next to the black fan go up or sideways?

View attachment 1384748 VS View attachment 1384749

the above pics assume you have an extractor up top. can't quite see it but it looks like it's there.

nute balance
third week of flowering, guessing the flowering stretch is gone or slowing down she's in mid-flowering
NPK ratio should be NPK 6-13-14

keep her on the N you had her on
say it's 11total, if you add up the N from all your nutes. that means the P-K should go up to:
11 23.9 26.9

more or less, you'll see what you get out of the mix&match of nutes you can do. the main idea here is to go as close as humanly possible to 6-13-14.
6-12-15 - f*ck it, works. she can do the rest.
7-7-7 - you're way off, pal.
Thanks for all the info Sargeant! I am in the process of slowly defoliating, taking some leaves and runty stems off every couple of days. I don't have an extraction fan at the moment, the one I have is set up in my 4x4 currently, but I am working on getting at least a small fan on the duct vent on top to try and pull out some air. You may not have been able to see it, but in the bottom left corner I do have a fan pointing upwards, as well as the one you pointed out. I have moved the one you pointed out, instead of blowing towards the vent it is sitting in front and drawing air in now. This all has helped immensely with the RH, but I'm still unsure about how high it gets overnight. My hygrometer doesn't track high/low or anything, and I don't want to pop the tent open with lights off to check the humidity since it's a photo. Instead of closing off both of the bottom vents at night, I've been leaving the one with the fan in front of it open. The other vent faces a doorway where light comes in, so it gets shut at night. I appreciate all of your advice!
In your situation Id pull anything below the top screen and then spread out whats left and try to get them as far apart as dont want overlapping leaves. Then get an extraction fan of some sort rigged up.. anything.. rig up a fan somehow and tape it to a ducting tube or to one of the upper ports on your tent to exchange air or it will take a miracle to get to the end trouble free..Nothing worse than having to throw away a bunch of buds you just spent 3 months producing because of mold etc....
Thanks for the info Tom, I'm currently working on slowly getting below the screen cleaned up. Also working on getting some kind of extraction fan setup.
ide also add that in a proper scrog grow using a screen, only one screen is necessary and nothing should be more than 8-10 inches above it. training through the stretch is the most important part to keep an even canopy
heres a good example:View attachment 1384845
Dang man, that's beautiful! I assume these were topped? That was my first (of many) mistakes, I didn't top. I added the second screen thinking that it would help support the branches, but I think I'm well past that point now. This was my first attempt at a scrog, first attempt at a photo, first attempt going with just amendments, and first time trying this SIP setup. Basically just one big experiment. Needless to say, mistakes were made but plenty of lessons were and are still being learned. Now just to make it to the finish line...
Thanks for the info Tom, I'm currently working on slowly getting below the screen cleaned up. Also working on getting some kind of extraction fan setup.

Dang man, that's beautiful! I assume these were topped? That was my first (of many) mistakes, I didn't top. I added the second screen thinking that it would help support the branches, but I think I'm well past that point now. This was my first attempt at a scrog, first attempt at a photo, first attempt going with just amendments, and first time trying this SIP setup. Basically just one big experiment. Needless to say, mistakes were made but plenty of lessons were and are still being learned. Now just to make it to the finish line...
The pic i posted wasnt mine..i havent scrogged since 07, but they looked very similar
Update: it seems that the stretch is finally over, we’re gonna keep on truckin. Still slowly clearing out small branches and low leaves. Overnight rh is getting better, but still working on it.


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