Indoor Rust spots and drying leaves... What it is?

Dec 18, 2018
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Hey folks! Not sure if this is normal or not. Figured I say something before it's too late.

-Problem: leaves yellowing getting rust spots and drying off partially.

-Medium/grow method: soil; foxfarm ocean forest

-Feed and supplements used: advanced nutrients sensi bloom mix A/B 10ml per gallon. Plus 4ml foxfarm calmag.

-Water source: tap water sits for usually 24-48hrs + pH usually sits at 6.3ish

-Strain and age:, CBD jack Herer, about 112 seed, 36 days in flower

-Climate: rh 45%. Temps generally 90f

- Light used: LEDs. Mehzi single cob, purple King led light, 3 spot bulbs with dome removed. Total wattage for lights is 300w at the wall.

-Additional info: run off: measured the other day. Was a little lower than what went into the pot. Not sure if I did it accurately, just saw a chance to grab some runoff and tested it. Came in at about 5.8ph I would say.

Try and get your temp down closer to 80. Looks like over feeding so hold off the nutes for awhile but continue with cal mag.A plant that old might start showing yellowing leaves ao keep that in mind.
Looks like a k microdeficiency brought on potentially by heat stress. Bring your temps down and give her a p/k boost

always learning...
Thanks guys, I will try reducing the temps, tough to do in the summer time though.

I have some PK I can give her too but I think I attack the temps first and see how that is doing.

@Classof69 @420Forever fox farm ph problem dont you think? See how this guys is lower.. @karlkutta you got crap soil bro. Ive had problems with this soil. Need to water higher PH. Try 7.5 -8 for a few waterings. I didnt correct mine in time using fox farms and my ph got to 4.8 and it took 3 weeks of watering around 8 ph to bring it to 6.0. Try to get them temps down. Dp you not have your 12/12 cycle to where lights are on at night to compensate for summer heat? Jw
@Classof69 @420Forever fox farm ph problem dont you think? See how this guys is lower.. @karlkutta you got crap soil bro. Ive had problems with this soil. Need to water higher PH. Try 7.5 -8 for a few waterings. I didnt correct mine in time using fox farms and my ph got to 4.8 and it took 3 weeks of watering around 8 ph to bring it to 6.0. Try to get them temps down. Dp you not have your 12/12 cycle to where lights are on at night to compensate for summer heat? Jw
My lights are on at night only. I will check my runoff closely and if the pH is low again will go in on the high end I think.

Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it.
@Classof69 @420Forever fox farm ph problem dont you think? See how this guys is lower.. @karlkutta you got crap soil bro. Ive had problems with this soil. Need to water higher PH. Try 7.5 -8 for a few waterings. I didnt correct mine in time using fox farms and my ph got to 4.8 and it took 3 weeks of watering around 8 ph to bring it to 6.0. Try to get them temps down. Dp you not have your 12/12 cycle to where lights are on at night to compensate for summer heat? Jw

ya, ph problem is indeed a likely culprit with that blankedy-blank-blank ffof :nono: ppp
My lights are on at night only. I will check my runoff closely and if the pH is low again will go in on the high end I think.

Thanks for the feedback. Appreciate it.
Good deal man. I hope it goes well. Do you have a way of checking your PPM? Also, have you noticed your plant drinking less? How often do you water?
Good deal man. I hope it goes well. Do you have a way of checking your PPM? Also, have you noticed your plant drinking less? How often do you water?
No ppm meter for me at this time. She is drinking about 3L a day and sits in a 3G fabric pot.