Running seeds 12/12 no veg

hey I'm not against learning I been growing well over 25yrs!!! But certain things I just wouldn't attempt for many obvious reasons! Your just mistaken about the growing part & the stretching part, go ahead and test it out... What I am saying will be true, any "growth" stretching will start well after the 14 to 21 day mark since it will take the plant at least that long to mature enough to even try to flower, then yes it will grow, if you want to say that... but it's really stretching, that's why the pre-flower time is called " The Stretch"
That's what just said.
My plants get it in, in their 6 hours dark. Some nights more than others.
Your conclusion Is that they stretch and don't grow at night?
That's what just said.
My plants get it in, in their 6 hours dark. Some nights more than others.
Your conclusion Is that they stretch and don't grow at night?
most certainly is my conclusion of growing over 25yrs , yes 100% without a doubt certain of it.
Mephisto noticed a difference running 24/0. That is why I started to grow autos so I could run the light 24/0. I did not want anyone st see a fluctuation in my electrical service no 12/12 or 18/6. I just figured that the power company would have something to monitor that. Before that i did out door for years now it is nothing but autos 24/0 every one that I have grown. Which is three 8 gig cards full of nothing but auto pot shots. When doing 24/7 there is no influx in temps or humidity everything just chugs along the only down fall if is electricity that is a fact
I'm sorry I disagree. I'm 99% sure plants grow at night. I challenge anyone to prove me wrong. Don't ask for me to prove you wrong I've posted multiple links, and said I'd take measurements in my journal. 25 years means a lot. I have a friend who's grown longer and claims led/cob ain't shit.
Maybe your one of those guys. Old dogs can't be taught new tricks. I dunno. I'm open to information, and I can't let myself believe plants don't grow at night. Even if they didn't put on fiber at night the cycle is detrimental to their health. Just like you and I. Sure I can get a lot done if I don't sleep but is it healthy?
It's simple pops this isn't about the 12/12 I posted a theory and question. The response was simply plants don't grow at night. That's all that I'm arguing. Plants do indeed grow at night.
We focus so much on light. And I'm just now thinking this, but what's the optimal darkness period? We spend money on everything else, let's think on how to reenforce the money well spent on an optimal dark period. Then genetics are involved, and how the seeds were bred, but there's a lot of factors involved. It's great to have this conversation because hopefully you or I or someone watching, with the means to test this further can do so. A statement like plants don't grow at night is ignorant in my opinion.

I was certain I had seen a scientific article that cannabis doesn't grow at night, and thought I'd bookmarked it.
Unfortunately I didn't bookmark it, and after an hour or so of searching, I can't find that article, or any other scientific article that claims cannabis doesn't grow at night.

Therefore, I retract my previous comments about plants not growing at night.
I hadn't really intended to apply it to anything but cannabis, so I also mis-spoke.
If I'm able to find the article, I'll post it.
If not, my retraction remains.
I apologize for arguing a position that I cannot document, and do value the truth more than winning an argument.

In searching, I came across a long series of posts by a botany doctoral candidate, researching cannabis.
His strong opinion was that although photoperiod cannabis doesn't need darkness while vegging, it will be healthier with 18-6, because there are some hormonal processes that work better in darkness.
Don't think I can go below 20-4 though.

I can't do all the work for you. Search yourself too. And even if a plant only stretches I'm pretty sure that qualifies as growth. Take it how you please. Plants grow at night/lights off. The perfect storm, how much (dark)is optimal who knows. As long as people spew things like they don't grow at night we'll never find out.
Be a little more open minded. Can plants grow 24/0 yes, I don't disagree. Do they grow at night (lights off) yes I'm 99% sure of it along with the folks and scientists that I've posted links from.
To answer the original question. You can run run seeds 12/12 no veg. I wouldn't recommend it for autoflower, but some photos do well. Intensity plays a big part as well.
I was certain I had seen a scientific article that cannabis doesn't grow at night, and thought I'd bookmarked it.
Unfortunately I didn't bookmark it, and after an hour or so of searching, I can't find that article, or any other scientific article that claims cannabis doesn't grow at night.

Therefore, I retract my previous comments about plants not growing at night.
I hadn't really intended to apply it to anything but cannabis, so I also mis-spoke.
If I'm able to find the article, I'll post it.
If not, my retraction remains.
I apologize for arguing a position that I cannot document, and do value the truth more than winning an argument.

In searching, I came across a long series of posts by a botany doctoral candidate, researching cannabis.
His strong opinion was that although photoperiod cannabis doesn't need darkness while vegging, it will be healthier with 18-6, because there are some hormonal processes that work better in darkness.
Don't think I can go below 20-4 though.
It's all love broski. I don't want to argue anything. Check out some of the things I posted if you wish. Some of it isn't cannabis specific I know, but it gives a pretty good idea of photosynthesis and how the plants in general React accordingly.
I didn't mean to come off as a dick either. It's just the way you stated that plants don't grow at night. I know I've seen it myself. Upon further searches some people seem to think they grow more in the evening hours and at night.
The best thing we can do as a community, collectively is to research it ourselves. Money is an issue on my end. But I have a tape and plants lol I'll measure like I said I would. From there we can run more test or what not. It's all good. I read a lot. It's my favorite past time other than growing. Plants putting on fiber at night is something I picked up and it's stuck with me. I'm open to being proven wrong also. I'm glad you responded though. I really am, not for the sake of my argument, but for the sake of us all.
For those of us who have a lights out, make sure to tuck your babies in nice and tight. They might reward you in the day time lol
hi guys, cant resist a good heated debate when i see one : )
my belief, what i was told by someone when i first joined here. is that the roots grow more at night. the plants mission in life is to grow as big and tall as possible. partly to survive, partly to get closer to the energy source (light/sun). when the energy source goes away, the plant realises this and puts more energy into producing roots. again, for survival, given that when the energy source goes away the roots will survive far longer than the plant. the plant has intellegence to a certain degree so this is seen as perfectly plausible behaviour.
so, by giving them a dark period you are,in theory,encouraging the plant to produce more roots which will in turn increase the plants ability to grow.
wether its right or not ive no idea but a lot of the more experienced guys keep 24/0 as it allows a more stable environment wich in theory could be better for them than having a little extra root mass. so who knows.
id never say i was right but its what i see as the most logical answer anyones told me so its what i stick to. somethings just arent really explainable in a yes/no manner.
does bigger pots mean bigger plants?
in theory yes but biggest indoor plants ive ever seen on here are grown in 15L pots.
can i use hydro nutes in soil?
apparently not for loads of different reasons. its supposed to die but i know a guy that does alright with it.
some things are right for one but wrong for another.
i like to run my res at 30-32*C from late veg as ive found my plants grow better when its “too hot”. plenty folk will tell you over 25 will cause lockouts etc and a ton of other problems, id never advise anyone to do it but it works for me.
not everything makes sense when you see it on paper. each to their own.
i think your all correct in your own ways so lets all have a spliff n a smile eh : )
hi guys, cant resist a good heated debate when i see one : )
my belief, what i was told by someone when i first joined here. is that the roots grow more at night. the plants mission in life is to grow as big and tall as possible. partly to survive, partly to get closer to the energy source (light/sun). when the energy source goes away, the plant realises this and puts more energy into producing roots. again, for survival, given that when the energy source goes away the roots will survive far longer than the plant. the plant has intellegence to a certain degree so this is seen as perfectly plausible behaviour.
so, by giving them a dark period you are,in theory,encouraging the plant to produce more roots which will in turn increase the plants ability to grow.
wether its right or not ive no idea but a lot of the more experienced guys keep 24/0 as it allows a more stable environment wich in theory could be better for them than having a little extra root mass. so who knows.
id never say i was right but its what i see as the most logical answer anyones told me so its what i stick to. somethings just arent really explainable in a yes/no manner.
does bigger pots mean bigger plants?
in theory yes but biggest indoor plants ive ever seen on here are grown in 15L pots.
can i use hydro nutes in soil?
apparently not for loads of different reasons. its supposed to die but i know a guy that does alright with it.
some things are right for one but wrong for another.
i like to run my res at 30-32*C from late veg as ive found my plants grow better when its “too hot”. plenty folk will tell you over 25 will cause lockouts etc and a ton of other problems, id never advise anyone to do it but it works for me.
not everything makes sense when you see it on paper. each to their own.
i think your all correct in your own ways so lets all have a spliff n a smile eh : )
Bigger the root bigger the fruit. Lol
I agree with you 100%. My only true problem was with the statement. That they don't grow at night. With nature and us Trying to provide an environment alone, there's too many variables. I always have looked forward to lights on. It used to be unconsciously until I realized a difference. Like a seedling, poor example but you go to bed and nothing has broke the surface, lights on you got a newborn. I'm not saying 24/0 doesn't work either. There's tons of info out there.
just to confuse things even more, seeing as you mentioned it... : )
my newborns come on in the dark. no light untill i see a plant.
i plant into root riots. leave them lying about anywhere dark,
thats vaguely warm and safe from the bairn. autos usually take 3 days.
done photo this time and she took 7, maybe 8 days to pop. but now shes been properly rooted after 2 transplants she’ll become a monster in no time.
i also transplant my autos twice and my last was pretty big. another myth busted lol.