Running seeds 12/12 no veg

I don't doubt the 24/0 growers at all. It's just I've seen substantial growth during lights out. Or after lights out lol I have also heard many growers say that plants put on more diner at night. This could very well pertain too photoperiod plants alone, maybe? I dunno
This is why I need a tent to go with my closet or 2 tents. A solid control equals more meds lol
Plants do not grow at night.
If they did, how do you explain 24-0 autos?
Compared to 24-0 lights, you'll be giving your plants 50% less energy.
Expect greatly reduced yield and potency.
I was simply stating a theory and posing a question. Not painting with broad strokes. I'm open to learning, and being proved wrong. If im Wrong about anything I welcome anyone to teach me right.
The night cycle plays an important role in all life. I have seen growth after lights out. In fact that's, lights on and off, is when I measure my plants. To make it fun I'll start recording it in my journal.
Feel free to follow bud. I'll take the first measurement Tonight. I'd rather do this starting from day one, but now is just as good time as any.
I was simply stating a theory and posing a question. Not painting with broad strokes. I'm open to learning, and being proved wrong. If im Wrong about anything I welcome anyone to teach me right.
The night cycle plays an important role in all life. I have seen growth after lights out. In fact that's, lights on and off, is when I measure my plants. To make it fun I'll start recording it in my journal.
Feel free to follow bud. I'll take the first measurement Tonight. I'd rather do this starting from day one, but now is just as good time as any.
I think you'll get a small plant at best, Yes "they may" grow while lights off... But it is not the type of growth one would be looking for trying produce a decent harvest... There been plenty of 12/12 from ground break with photo plants..they remain very small and usually not produce much over an oz and thats if your lucky...But go for it, if you just want try it out, that is for Micro Growers, not people trying get over a couple oz...
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I think you'll get thin wispy buds at best, Yes "they may" grow while lights off... But it is not the type of growth one would be looking for trying produce a decent harvest... There been plenty of 12/12 from ground break with photo plants..they remain very small and usually not produce much over an oz and thats if your lucky...But go for it, if you just want try it out, that is for Micro Growers, not people trying get over a couple oz...
I'd never do that bud. I agree with more light the better. But I also believe in having some kind of rest period.
How could one explain huge autos or photos with the limited light they get?
I wasn't arguing the 12/12 from seed with autos personally I think photos would do better in that situation. Just arguing the "plants don't grow at night" response. Arguing is harsh I don't mean it like that. But narrow minded thoughts get narrow minded results. No offense, just have to be open minded. We wouldn't be where we are today if we weren't.
Then do that google search and post your results.
24-0 autos prove that some plants don't need darkness.
It is a harmful myth that they do, and your yield will be harmed.
Plants in general my friend. I've searched. I even read the royal queen article which is a good article. I'm replying to your statement "plants don't grow at night". I posted the question in my original post. It's worth looking into. Also plants in the wild vs plants over generations being grown and bred by humans will behave different. Just like feral cats, dogs, or hogs. Plants don't grow at night, is a harmful myth.
I'd never do that bud. I agree with more light the better. But I also believe in having some kind of rest period.
How could one explain huge autos or photos with the limited light they get?
I wasn't arguing the 12/12 from seed with autos personally I think photos would do better in that situation. Just arguing the "plants don't grow at night" response. Arguing is harsh I don't mean it like that. But narrow minded thoughts get narrow minded results. No offense, just have to be open minded. We wouldn't be where we are today if we weren't.
Insisting that 2 + 2 = 4 and 2 + 2 = 5 should both be studied so that we can claim open mindedness would silly.
Same with gr
Plants in general my friend. I've searched. I even read the royal queen article which is a good article. I'm replying to your statement "plants don't grow at night". I posted the question in my original post. It's worth looking into. Also plants in the wild vs plants over generations being grown and bred by humans will behave different. Just like feral cats, dogs, or hogs. Plants don't grow at night, is a harmful myth.

Oops! That previous post was unintended, and incomplete.

Where are your google search results about cannabis growing at night?
Don't care whether cats, dogs, hogs need light.

You are misleading people by questioning the fact that cannabis doesn't grow at night.
My huge 24-0 autos must be a mirage.