Running seeds 12/12 no veg

From a quick search I found this.
I play fair. What have you found @Simplicio
I'm not saying the require dark.

I had already researched the darkness topic, and discovered that autos need no darkness.
From the sensi website you listed:

Autoflowering plants do not need darkness
As autoflowering plants are not dependent on changes in the light cycle to commence flowering, they can successfully be grown using a lighting cycle of anything from 16/8 to 24/0. Many growers cultivate their autos under a 24/0 regime; however, some growers believe that anything over 18/6 is overkill and that electricity costs can be reduced with no reduction in final yield if following this regime.

It is settled science that autos need no darkness.
It is not settled science which is best among 18-6, 20-4, and 24-0.

24-0 is simplest.

Hopefully we now agree.
All cannabis has a vegetation period as its needed to mature. the less light you give it during that period, the smaller the plant will be. It takes on average, 14-21 days for a plant to reach sexual maturity. In either case, 12 hours is less than ideal. Will it work? sure. Should you? I see no good reason to. Do plants need a period of darkness? Science still debates this. Most recent I've read said give them 1-4 hours. I want to see valid, mutli-plant / multi-clone grows. the higher the plant count the better. its the only way I see to answer this.
Insisting that 2 + 2 = 4 and 2 + 2 = 5 should both be studied so that we can claim open mindedness would silly.
Same with gr

Oops! That previous post was unintended, and incomplete.

Where are your google search results about cannabis growing at night?
Don't care whether cats, dogs, hogs need light.

You are misleading people by questioning the fact that cannabis doesn't grow at night.
My huge 24-0 autos must be a mirage.
That's great your successful dude. Your thoughts are as narrow as your strokes are broad.
You've misled Everyone Saying plants don't grow at night.
I didn't say they could or would not.
I've posted multiple links, have you read them? In particular the one done by the University Saying that plants grow more at night? Not saying it's entirely true, but I'm sure the University has more resources to back the claim that plants do indeed grow at night. Come on man I'm not going back and forth over this. If you require I post more I will do that. But even then you'll argue the fact because you seem like the type of guy that can't be wrong.
Did you is Google once since I posted? What have you found? You haven't shown a thing except for your thoughts.
Can they be grown 24/0? No shit. 12/12 no shit. Do plants grow at night? Riddle me that.
I had already researched the darkness topic, and discovered that autos need no darkness.
From the sensi website you listed:

Autoflowering plants do not need darkness
As autoflowering plants are not dependent on changes in the light cycle to commence flowering, they can successfully be grown using a lighting cycle of anything from 16/8 to 24/0. Many growers cultivate their autos under a 24/0 regime; however, some growers believe that anything over 18/6 is overkill and that electricity costs can be reduced with no reduction in final yield if following this regime.

It is settled science that autos need no darkness.
It is not settled science which is best among 18-6, 20-4, and 24-0.

24-0 is simplest.

Hopefully we now agree.
I never said they did. You said plants do not grow at night. That is what I'm arguing. Read bud.
Plants do not grow at night.
If they did, how do you explain 24-0 autos?
Compared to 24-0 lights, you'll be giving your plants 50% less energy.
Expect greatly reduced yield and potency.
That's what I'm arguing. Do some more digging.
And autos flower because of age not light.
I'd never do that bud. I agree with more light the better. But I also believe in having some kind of rest period.
How could one explain huge autos or photos with the limited light they get?
I wasn't arguing the 12/12 from seed with autos personally I think photos would do better in that situation. Just arguing the "plants don't grow at night" response. Arguing is harsh I don't mean it like that. But narrow minded thoughts get narrow minded results. No offense, just have to be open minded. We wouldn't be where we are today if we weren't.
I had redo part of what I said, coz they wouldn't probably be thin wispy buds, but over-all plant would just be small because it won't receive enough light for the plant to have much energy in veg
All cannabis has a vegetation period as its needed to mature. the less light you give it during that period, the smaller the plant will be. It takes on average, 14-21 days for a plant to reach sexual maturity. In either case, 12 hours is less than ideal. Will it work? sure. Should you? I see no good reason to. Do plants need a period of darkness? Science still debates this. Most recent I've read said give them 1-4 hours. I want to see valid, mutli-plant / multi-clone grows. the higher the plant count the better. its the only way I see to answer this.
It's simple pops this isn't about the 12/12 I posted a theory and question. The response was simply plants don't grow at night. That's all that I'm arguing. Plants do indeed grow at night.
We focus so much on light. And I'm just now thinking this, but what's the optimal darkness period? We spend money on everything else, let's think on how to reenforce the money well spent on an optimal dark period. Then genetics are involved, and how the seeds were bred, but there's a lot of factors involved. It's great to have this conversation because hopefully you or I or someone watching, with the means to test this further can do so. A statement like plants don't grow at night is ignorant in my opinion.
I had redo part of what I said, coz they wouldn't probably be thin wispy buds, but over-all plant would just be small because it won't receive enough light for the plant to have much energy in veg
I don't disagree with you at all. Light intensity plays a role also. You can get thin wispy bids from in adequate lighting running any light cycle.
As I've said numerous times, the plants don't grow at night, is what I'm addressing. And my theory so happens to be that a little night night helps. Lol Any plant.