New Grower Round two. Zkittlez autos

Yeah that was bad! We live by a radio tower, literally about three blocks away, and it gets rocked in storms like that. At least I know we won't get struck by lightning here with that massive lightning rod right next to us. It's cool because you can watch the electricity shoot down the support cables all the way down to the ground. It makes the most wicked crackling sound too!
Damn that would be crazy i bet when it hits every one around bout shits their pants lol when I've seen lightning hit close to me it was loud AF and make anyone jump up thinking a bomb went off Iol
Damn that would be crazy i bet when it hits every one around bout shits their pants lol when I've seen lightning hit close to me it was loud AF and make anyone jump up thinking a bomb went off Iol
Yeah bro it sounds like a cannon going off outside. Kinda got used to it though because nearly every bad storm it gets hit.
Daily update..

Day 26 Zkittlez

Temps: 73F lights off, 78F light on
RH: 55%
Water: 2,000 ml RO water per plant
Nutes: 1.75 g/gal Megacrop 2.0 9-6-17
1 g/gal Bud Explosion 0-19-39
2 ml/gal Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus 2-0-0
Light distance: 20 in
Light cycle: 18/6

So the girls are thriving! I noticed one of the zkittlez was way droopy this morning
. I figured I would start seeing that today because they could have almost been watered yesterday but I want those roots to keep expanding while the stretch is still going on. You can see how droopy zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] was before watering. Since last watering I have not measured the girls and they have grown about 3 in in the past two days. That's wild growth and I'm sticking behind this megacrop, results are right in front of my face and that's no joke. I also upped the grow bags for this round from 4 to 5 gallon size, which will definitely have an effect on the size, but regardless these girls are looking good. Another thing I have changed and seems to be beneficial is that I literally water only about the outter two inches of the grow bags when I water, with about maybe 250 ml sent down the main stem. I was trying to achieve massive root stretching by subliminally watering the middle from the outside in, meaning the girls will be reaching those roots to the edge of the bag to get that water relatively quickly each watering. I have made a lot of changes to my grow style this round so I can't really tell what is the most beneficial or what is really making a difference but all I do know is that I am improving my skills and I'm feeling much more confident in my decisions. I'm starting to feel like a legit dope farmer now :smoking: I moved the girls to their new spots, they get moved counterclockwise every 5 or 6 days at the moment. I also rotate quarter turn daily to give the girls even lighting since I'm still only running the single LED board atm. I'm rambling like usual so I'm signing off. Check the girls and let me know what you think! Well till tomorrow! :pass:

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] literally one hour before watering

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

Group shot

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Damn looking good bro and all seem to be same phenos they're all same size and shape and all have the same growth styles it looks good
Yeah I noticed this as well. Definitely more consistent then those widows I ran last round. I am starting to see the reddening of the stems that these got last time. I never could quite figure out the culprit. It might be a soil pH issue because I have already been addressing the cal-mag on the off chance they were lacking the magnesium, which can cause reddish purple stems. That's about the only thing I can think of.
So ya mention calmag....
Im actually in the market for another thing of calmag, im about out.
Im using calmagnon from zen products, got it as a sample.
Anywho as im looking for calmag i begin to notice that like every calmag out there has some amount of N in it. Most common calmag npk's seem to be 2-0-0.
I dont know if thats really a big deal but im already spooked by N and the whole preflower phase.
Well i found some calmag, from roots organic who i already luv, and its just calmag, no extra N or K to gunk up the works. Think im gonna give it a whirl
So ya mention calmag....
Im actually in the market for another thing of calmag, im about out.
Im using calmagnon from zen products, got it as a sample.
Anywho as im looking for calmag i begin to notice that like every calmag out there has some amount of N in it. Most common calmag npk's seem to be 2-0-0.
I dont know if thats really a big deal but im already spooked by N and the whole preflower phase.
Well i found some calmag, from roots organic who i already luv, and its just calmag, no extra N or K to gunk up the works. Think im gonna give it a whirl
Yeah I had noticed that and I honestly didn't even take that I to consideration when I bought my cal-mag. I went off reviews and recommendations that's why I have the Botanicare. Last round it was about this point that I started seeing the reddish stems on the fan leaves first and then onto the branching itself. Shortly after I started to see a bunch of def. That's why I'm trying to stay on top of these girls. I don't want to fall into that same boat again. They seem to have a much different nute requirement and I have not quite got it locked in. It's getting better each grow, but we shall just have to wait and see. Fingers crossed boys and girls! We're about to have liftoff and I'm hoping we don't crash and burn!
@baked in the bluegrass @Ozzie Greenthumb do you need to feed the pk booster all the way through flower or is there a certain point you should cut it back. I'm referring to before the cleanse point where I would stop all nutes anyways. I am a little unsure as to what most people do regarding their pk boosters.

Edit currently I'm at 1g/gal bud Explosion in early flower