New Grower Round two. Zkittlez autos

[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] my fav girl with LSTing, but rocking it on all 3 Zkittles, Good Job
[HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] is going to be a big girl. She is easily the biggest of the three. That main stem is almost double the others. Looking forward to see what she can do in full on flower
Hey growbros!
Looking great! And by the way my bad on been mia for you grow and support, I have just been so damn busy with 2 harvest's and cures, 1 mid-flower sour kush, 2 seedlings cosmic bomb autos, and 1 gorilla glue auto seedling all going down at once I feel like my great Dane chasing his tail! Lol sorry bro
Daily update

Day 23 Zkittlez

Been super busy so I'm just going to post up some photos. Girls filled the tent since yesterday. Need to get that new fan in there. I got it but just haven't opened it yet. That busy... Check the pics and let me know what you think! Well til tomorrow! :pass:

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

Looking great
Thanks bro! This megacrop is freaking insane in the membrane. I have had no complaints as of yet. I'm starting to get into flower and I'm getting some signs of high nitrogen levels so next feed I'm going to back off the megacrop to about 1 g/gal I think, 1/4 strength, and supplement with some cal-mag because I'm seeing some reddish pruple stems and I think they could be lacking some cal-mag as I am running RO water. Haven't fed the girls cal-mag at all since the mega has it in there, but I think this next feed will be a higher bud explosion and lower megacrop. I used the bud explosion yesterday at half strength and the pistil production from yesterday to today was insane. I'm really excited to see how these girls do continuing through the stretch. I don't think I'm going to train much more at this point, and I will let them get vertical now. If one or two starts racing above the others I'll tie it back but right now I have the canopy spread into a perfect circle for the girls. If they grew straight up how they are right now I would be a super happy camper. I have super high hopes for these girls, and I'm excited to see exactly what this zkittlez is like with a full on bloom regimine because last round they only got one or two bloom feeds before I started the flush on the zkittlez.

Craziest thing is that these girls are almost getting to the point that they are as big as my last zkittlez when she got the chop and that one still produced over 2 ounces of dried super crystallized nugs. I can't wait to see how they do with the bud explosion. Wasn't expecting to open a bag of cocaine when I cracked that open haha. After using megacrop, thought it was going to be similar to that. Nope. Straight pure Columbian powder
Hey growbros!
Looking great! And by the way my bad on been mia for you grow and support, I have just been so damn busy with 2 harvest's and cures, 1 mid-flower sour kush, 2 seedlings cosmic bomb autos, and 1 gorilla glue auto seedling all going down at once I feel like my great Dane chasing his tail! Lol sorry bro
I missed this bro! Yeah. I feel you. The harvest and then the trim for the jar takes some time. I'm a little concerned about it with this coming up harvest. I'll be smack dab in the middle of shitville with my time. I hope all is going well in the dry and cure. I saw that grinder pack you had that was super gunked. Literally I bet a few more days to a week and that stuff will slide right through and not gunk up. What has been your method for drying and curing? I went old school with the good old hang dry, on a hemp line of course, for about 7-9 days depending on my girls. I just chopped whole plant at dirt and hung like that. Trim and jarred after that when stems snapped but didn't break, then jar and burped twice a day for a week or until moisture gets to where I wanted it
Daily update..

Day 24 Zkittlez

Temps: 75F lights off, 78F light on
RH: 48%
Water: 2,000 ml RO water per plant
Nutes: 2 g/gal Megacrop 2.0 9-6-17
0.75 g/gal Bud Explosion 0-19-39
3 ml/gal Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus 2-0-0
Light distance: 20 in
Light cycle: 18/6

So the girls were ready for a watering after two days this time instead of three. Been giving them two liters of water per feeding each time, and they seem to be drinking significantly faster each time. Last few waterings have been every three days. This means the girls are really starting to ramp up their flower production which is quite evident everywhere I look. I see nice prime bud spots starting to form and the node spacing so far is absolutely perfect, about 2-3 in node spacing. I can't wait to see how these girls do as the flowers start to fill in. I'm highly optimistic about the flower from this round. I think the fox farm trio just didn't pack the punch that these other more premium nute lines offer. Who knows, maybe I just don't know how to properly use the fox farm nutes, but for first time ever using megacrop, I feel like this is a far superior product.

Ok onto the nitty gritty. Today I backed off the megacrop by 1/gal so that I am running it at half strength, 2 g/gal. I also added in cal-mag for the first time as I started seeing some early signs of possible def in that area. Can't really hurt as it's almost impossible to od the plants on cal-mag. I figured the girls might need it as I have not pushed any cal-mag even though I'm using RO water, cal-mag and all the other goodies are stripped during the RO process for those that are not familiar. Megacrop has some in it and I also predressed my soil with calcium as an added buffer. I also upped the pk booster today and I'm running at .75 g/gal bud explosion, up from .5 g/gal last feed. I saw a really positive response last feed to the pk booster so I'm going to try and up it a bit. I will probably hold here at this 3/4 strength until full flower starts and then I'll start to push it a bit more. The girls are super healthy and I would say that they have about reached the size of my last zkittlez if not surpassed it already. It's crazy how a little bit of hands on experience and dedication can make the world of difference. It seems like this strain is relatively stable, as they have all hit preflower and are pushing into flower at the exact same time. The development is almost identical. Last round with my widows I noticed some deviations in the phenotypes of the two widows, but these girls are spot on with my last grow as well. Good job Seedsman on a nice stable strain! Well I'm rambling so I'm signing off. Check the pics and let me know what you think! Well til tomorrow! :pass:

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]

Group shot

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Looking great man! Glad you like the megacrop! I just ordered more, along with their new nutrient gravitron for these new girls. I got 1 that's in full flower another sour kush, 1 gorilla glue seedling, and 2 cosmic bomb auto seedlings. Check em out here.
Daily update..

Day 24 Zkittlez

Temps: 75F lights off, 78F light on
RH: 48%
Water: 2,000 ml RO water per plant
Nutes: 2 g/gal Megacrop 2.0 9-6-17
0.75 g/gal Bud Explosion 0-19-39
3 ml/gal Botanicare Cal-Mag Plus 2-0-0
Light distance: 20 in
Light cycle: 18/6

So the girls were ready for a watering after two days this time instead of three. Been giving them two liters of water per feeding each time, and they seem to be drinking significantly faster each time. Last few waterings have been every three days. This means the girls are really starting to ramp up their flower production which is quite evident everywhere I look. I see nice prime bud spots starting to form and the node spacing so far is absolutely perfect, about 2-3 in node spacing. I can't wait to see how these girls do as the flowers start to fill in. I'm highly optimistic about the flower from this round. I think the fox farm trio just didn't pack the punch that these other more premium nute lines offer. Who knows, maybe I just don't know how to properly use the fox farm nutes, but for first time ever using megacrop, I feel like this is a far superior product.

Ok onto the nitty gritty. Today I backed off the megacrop by 1/gal so that I am running it at half strength, 2 g/gal. I also added in cal-mag for the first time as I started seeing some early signs of possible def in that area. Can't really hurt as it's almost impossible to od the plants on cal-mag. I figured the girls might need it as I have not pushed any cal-mag even though I'm using RO water, cal-mag and all the other goodies are stripped during the RO process for those that are not familiar. Megacrop has some in it and I also predressed my soil with calcium as an added buffer. I also upped the pk booster today and I'm running at .75 g/gal bud explosion, up from .5 g/gal last feed. I saw a really positive response last feed to the pk booster so I'm going to try and up it a bit. I will probably hold here at this 3/4 strength until full flower starts and then I'll start to push it a bit more. The girls are super healthy and I would say that they have about reached the size of my last zkittlez if not surpassed it already. It's crazy how a little bit of hands on experience and dedication can make the world of difference. It seems like this strain is relatively stable, as they have all hit preflower and are pushing into flower at the exact same time. The development is almost identical. Last round with my widows I noticed some deviations in the phenotypes of the two widows, but these girls are spot on with my last grow as well. Good job Seedsman on a nice stable strain! Well I'm rambling so I'm signing off. Check the pics and let me know what you think! Well til tomorrow! :pass:

Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG]
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Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG]
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Zkittlez [HASHTAG]#3[/HASHTAG]
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Group shot
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