New Grower round 2! lets get perpetual!

looking good,its good to experiment.
thems rather snazy looking domes ya got there.
keep er lit.
Looking good space wise. Tho personally I'd like to get more light in there.

This is a summery of my cabinet experiences.

I grow/grew (I'm here to post about it's demise \o/ ) in a space of similar height (which scrog or not really limit's the varieties you choose IMO).

Personally I'd rather grow a smaller variety well, than torture a larger variety by stunting it (usually by using a smaller pot size). Like you I started with CFLs before going mostly LED), and also grow in soil. I found pot size can make a huge difference to plant size unless you are a grow wizard - and there are many here like oor ain Archie Gemmill 'impersonator'.


The real Gemmills being Picts or Brythons. I wonder if our one is too he he - anyways back to topic.

With good air extraction I ran 2x Mars Hydro 300 in a space about W 120cm H 110cm D 54cm (the width was actually reduced to 90cm due to the filter being located to one side) which really limited me to two Auto's. I did try three but trying to manoeuvre pants about in a small space was a real pain, especially when up a ladder and things get entangled. For similar reasons I didn't scrog. Once it's thru that net the pot becomes kind of fixed in position which makes lots of plants a pain if something goes wrong with one and you want to take it out for some loving care. If I were to scrog now I'd make a square frame for each plant - the advantages being you can set heights for each plant and perform things like pot rotation - useful if plants at edges are ending up taller towards the growspace centre and you want an even canopy.

If you start adding more lights (within reason) you will get a better grow, but also higher temperatures. Trying to find the right location for all the fans was to say the least a lesson in the dark arts. I don't know how many combinations I tried until I nailed the culprit as the 6" fan which even on its lowest setting turned the cabinet into very windy weather - but only when i closed the door << not like you want to crawl inside the box and close the door, but you can leave a mobile recording for a few seconds to see what effect different fan locations have. In the end I got rid of the 6" fan and replaced it with a couple of almost silent 120mm PC fans for air circulation - which after a similar process of trying different locations managed to get temps down from 28-35C to 22-27C (above 30C the cabinet would go into runaway with ever increasing temps - which required programming the timer for multiple lights out events to keep down the temperture - not that you could do that with photos.

I'd run 1 of the 300 LEDs and a Cool CFL (150W) if both plants were starting at the same time but found problems with temperature control starting like that (too high for seedligs) - plants in full stretch eat up a lot of energy (photons which aren't being converted to heat). So my cabinet would start too hot then go quite cool thru stretch and flowering before rising again as the plants finished - humidity havoc. So the idea of a staggered perpetual grow is a good one as it should help even out temperatures as well as humidity. This is what I did, roughly offset each plant by a month +/- a week (remember I was only growing two) << a long flowering strain can throw things but then when you do a full restart just pick a slow and a fast variety to get back into synch. When you are in synch a new seedling or clone (cycle dependant obviously) can be tucked into the leaf shade of a larger sister if your lights are too intense for a seedling.

From that small 2 space grow I could get about 60-90g per Auto (small/medium sized Mephisto stock) - all top notch bud - all the popcorn n trim doesn't get weighed and goes into edibles. So a decent yielding perpetual grow of autos despite the height limitation is well achievable. LEDs are your friends, avoid COBs they really require a bit of headroom.

I could well imagine scrogin' a large Photo or a couple of Super Autos in that space tho :D

Good luck, and if you have any questions just ask :D

I kind of stop posting about my grows - it was just leaving a trail of self-incrimination. But my first cabinet build is documented.
well now theres a pretty detailed talks a lot of sense for thought eh.
but its a good thing to be just the right side of paranoid where security is concerned.gps and all that shit turned off fone pics.
i dont quite follow with the "trail of evidence" people get busted for shit that happens at street level,not internet waffle sure we all telling lies anyway and stealing pics from goggle.
good to see you be good to see what you at again Spliffy but understand how it goes.
good luck.
Looking good space wise. Tho personally I'd like to get more light in there.

This is a summery of my cabinet experiences.

I grow/grew (I'm here to post about it's demise \o/ ) in a space of similar height (which scrog or not really limit's the varieties you choose IMO).

Personally I'd rather grow a smaller variety well, than torture a larger variety by stunting it (usually by using a smaller pot size). Like you I started with CFLs before going mostly LED), and also grow in soil. I found pot size can make a huge difference to plant size unless you are a grow wizard - and there are many here like oor ain Archie Gemmill 'impersonator'.


The real Gemmills being Picts or Brythons. I wonder if our one is too he he - anyways back to topic.

With good air extraction I ran 2x Mars Hydro 300 in a space about W 120cm H 110cm D 54cm (the width was actually reduced to 90cm due to the filter being located to one side) which really limited me to two Auto's. I did try three but trying to manoeuvre pants about in a small space was a real pain, especially when up a ladder and things get entangled. For similar reasons I didn't scrog. Once it's thru that net the pot becomes kind of fixed in position which makes lots of plants a pain if something goes wrong with one and you want to take it out for some loving care. If I were to scrog now I'd make a square frame for each plant - the advantages being you can set heights for each plant and perform things like pot rotation - useful if plants at edges are ending up taller towards the growspace centre and you want an even canopy.

If you start adding more lights (within reason) you will get a better grow, but also higher temperatures. Trying to find the right location for all the fans was to say the least a lesson in the dark arts. I don't know how many combinations I tried until I nailed the culprit as the 6" fan which even on its lowest setting turned the cabinet into very windy weather - but only when i closed the door << not like you want to crawl inside the box and close the door, but you can leave a mobile recording for a few seconds to see what effect different fan locations have. In the end I got rid of the 6" fan and replaced it with a couple of almost silent 120mm PC fans for air circulation - which after a similar process of trying different locations managed to get temps down from 28-35C to 22-27C (above 30C the cabinet would go into runaway with ever increasing temps - which required programming the timer for multiple lights out events to keep down the temperture - not that you could do that with photos.

I'd run 1 of the 300 LEDs and a Cool CFL (150W) if both plants were starting at the same time but found problems with temperature control starting like that (too high for seedligs) - plants in full stretch eat up a lot of energy (photons which aren't being converted to heat). So my cabinet would start too hot then go quite cool thru stretch and flowering before rising again as the plants finished - humidity havoc. So the idea of a staggered perpetual grow is a good one as it should help even out temperatures as well as humidity. This is what I did, roughly offset each plant by a month +/- a week (remember I was only growing two) << a long flowering strain can throw things but then when you do a full restart just pick a slow and a fast variety to get back into synch. When you are in synch a new seedling or clone (cycle dependant obviously) can be tucked into the leaf shade of a larger sister if your lights are too intense for a seedling.

From that small 2 space grow I could get about 60-90g per Auto (small/medium sized Mephisto stock) - all top notch bud - all the popcorn n trim doesn't get weighed and goes into edibles. So a decent yielding perpetual grow of autos despite the height limitation is well achievable. LEDs are your friends, avoid COBs they really require a bit of headroom.

I could well imagine scrogin' a large Photo or a couple of Super Autos in that space tho :D

Good luck, and if you have any questions just ask :D

I kind of stop posting about my grows - it was just leaving a trail of self-incrimination. But my first cabinet build is documented.
Man! Thank you, that is some sound advice!! I added the leds and am planning to add more. My plan was to have less light hitting the right hand side of my box (for seedlings) and intensify the light to the left (for finishing) I had also been thinking of going with 2 plants every 2 months but 1 every 2 months definitely sounds more realistic! Id seen pics of people building single scrogs but never weighed up the pros and cons. Will give it a shot!
Serious rep for you!
And then there was one :(

So bagseed was a male, big dirty balls on him! So him and his little fucker brothers got the chop!

My nyc is also starting to show some deficiencies :/
I think lack of nitrogen and phosphorus. Possibly magnesium too?

What do ye reckon? @Waira hear your the local ganja gp
New here but im guessing the guys will tell you to pop into infirmary. You will get faster replies.