New Grower round 2! lets get perpetual!

Sep 26, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
some kush a friend grew
So ive got my first grow under my belt, nothing to brag about but im happy out! Made basically every mistake I could and the girls were so forgiving! My big mistake was not realizing its not just one and done. I need to sustain and rotate and keep the smoke flowing and bud growing!

So im gonna start a perpetual grow.
I figure 2 plants every two months should cover me without over crowding my space W90cm D80 H100cm. I have my 300w dual spec cfl, which gives good coverage, but not great penetration. So in the later stages of growth ill be using an additionl 100w of leds.

Ill also be using lst and scrog as they mature. I plan on building a platform, with steps I can move the plants down on as the girls get bigger.

Ill be using soil (a mix of coco coir, compost and perlite) and organic nutes. Biogrow, biobloom and topmax. I'll use epsom salt from time to time for a Mag boost. Some aloe vera juice to stimulate root growth and some seaweed extract to boost growth hormones and feed the microbes in the soil.

So far I have my bagseed lemon haze (probably photo) and 1 of 3 nyc have popped. Ill be ordering more seeds soon but am spoiled for choice!! So far im thinking, tangerine dream auto, pineapple express auto and sweet tooth auto (all from barneys farm)

Not a lot to look at but heres where were at. Bagseed around 1 month, nyc day 5

Ill keep ye posted
So not much has happened nyc has 2 sets of true leaves and my bagseed is stretching away. Gonna start upping her nutes and prob transplant in the next week.

BUT! Since its a bagseed and prob a photo I dont wann put too much faith in it. So I wanna try an experiment. I can segrigate my nyc inder 60w of diy led at 24/0 and flip my cfl to 12/12 to sex my bagseed. If its female, flip it back to 24/0 and back to veg. Take some clones and grow everything out until my nyc is harvested and I can flip the bagseeds to flowering.

Does this sound too hopeful? Could it hermie the bagseed? @archie gemmill know any photo heads?
Looks nice. I could never grow in a small space I would fudge it. I can appreciate a good micro grow though. More power to you guys. Good luck to you on your grow, ill be checking in
It won't hermie it, it will stress it. I'm not saying its not possible but not likely. I usually cut the top off and use that as my clone then throw the original into 1212 to check. I usually grow it out in a small pot for 2 reasons, 1 to check sex obviously and 2 to see what the bud will be like. It will be a small yield but you get a nice sample ;)
It won't hermie it, it will stress it. I'm not saying its not possible but not likely. I usually cut the top off and use that as my clone then throw the original into 1212 to check. I usually grow it out in a small pot for 2 reasons, 1 to check sex obviously and 2 to see what the bud will be like. It will be a small yield but you get a nice sample ;)
So take the clones annd then flower the mother to see if theyre worth keeping? Cheers, ill let it grow out some more and take 3 or 4 to hedge my bets :biggrin: fingers crossed!!

Ill keep ye posted :)
Feels like forever since I posted!! Been about a month so bagseed is 2 months and my nyc is bout 5 weeks?
They've both been on the same feed 2ml biogrow and 1ml top max. Gonna start giving my nyc some bloom next feed as shes flowering away!
Been soooo cold and the girls have definitely felt it :/
I took cuttings from the BS 2 weeks ago and they didnt do too well, untill I transplanted them into bigger pots 3 days ago. But now theyre showing nute burn. Plain water for those 2 for the next while.

Haven't separated the mother yet (been to wet/cold to scavange timber) but she's still in a small pot so she won't get much bigger.

Anywho, here they are;

Gonna get my finger out (soon) and get my scrog net and steps set up :)

Ill keep ye posted
Finally coming together :p got my bag seed isolated on 12/12 so fingers crossed! Got my box in order bar a shelf for seedlings. My clones a still on plain water and fairly stunted, but theryre photos so im not too worried!

So some pics :)


Bagseed clone

Bagseed mother

2x24w + 9w leds for the mother

Ill keep ye posted