Harvest & Curing Rosenthal - "cure first" then dry jar to age - what do you think


El Colibri
Sep 16, 2011
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Rosenthal's most recent edition is like the others technical. Note: Error in title ----- cure first - then dry - then jar for aging/storage

His section on the harvest states: Curing is the process before drying.

Several days of curing at 45% to 55% RH. Then slow drying at 50% RH until you get the stem snap and the buds are sticky.

Next, they are jarred for aging.

I keep reading it and reading it for printing errors. But, this his process.

He states--the curing actually takes places the first few days while the buds are still alive and the cells begin to die. And he gives several simple methods. Which is why both the curing and drying should be done slowly under the right temp. and humidity.

Lastly, he suggests the best drying method to retain all terpenes etc. as freeze drying (regular frost freeze frig.) for 10 to 20 days depending on size etc. I will not give all details unless someone asks.

Has anyone tried the freeze dry method.

What do you think of this.
To answer you questions
No I dont think its and error...I'm doing my autos that way now
Yes I have done the freezer method (when i was doing outdoor grows we would use this for our person stash with very good results)
Haven't done it with the autos as yet..but plan to next grow

My:2cents:=Try it Im sure you'll like it

I also might add don't be afraid to try new things
Think about it.... Fem seeds,dwraf plants,autoflowering......

Yea give the details I'm sure alot of AFN'ers would like it

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Hey Alan i think i would lke to read this, do you have a link :peace:

Hazy. Could not find a link to his book. However, there is considerable discussion on every forum regarding this topic including lots of verbatim quotes from the book. My summary is pretty much it seems to be a kiss method.
I'm sure a lot of us would love the details

I also might add don't be afraid to try new things
Think about it.... Fem seeds,dwraf plants,autoflowering......

Yea give the details I'm sure alot of AFN'ers would like it



Buds continue curing between temp. of 60-70 degrees with RH of around 45- 55%. Not too dry and not to humid. Good air circulation. Dim lighting. Any method--hanging, tray, open brown bag for small batches etc.
Metabolic processes take place for a short period of time.
Cells retain moisture. Complex carbs are converted into simple sugars. Pigments are broke down along with chlorophyll resulting in the visible colors of the bud (reds, yellows and purple highlights etc.).
After a few days the cells die--end of cure.


At or near 50% RH.
65 degrees is ideal.
Seems to favor hanging or racks etc. ------------- This is why we use the jar to control RH.
Once you get the snap--go to jarring for aging and storage.

Drying via frost free freezer:

After cure--Place buds on rack in freezer. Buds will freeze within 30 minutes. This preserves the buds terpenes and glands (smell, taste and potency).
10 to 20 days. Use the Snap test for finish.
Freezing buds takes the the canna directly to a gaseous state without going through an intermediate liquid phase. The water in the cells turns to ice. In the frost-free freezer (home freezer) under a vacuum the low pressure evaporates the ice (drying).


Buds must be dry.
If any moisture is noticed pull and dry.
Buds can be placed in jar and put in freezer for "years" without and loss of quality.

It is very difficult to get the RH just right. That is why many of us use the jar Humipak method etc.
However, his approach can be modified.

The freezing dry looks interesting, and I will try it in a few days.
makes sense let us know how it turns out in practice mate :smokebuds: