New Grower Rookie dinafem white widow+industrial cbds

Lights on 24° and lights out 19°, it doesn't make sense without calculating the groom/ tent volume, air temps from outside, distance leds to canopy, RH etc. i control the temps in my groom via my exhaust fan, if it's hot i increase, if it's to low i reduce:pass:
~14 days
Temps 65°lights out/78°Lights on/ led height =29"
Yesterday 3ml calmag,2.5ml micro, 2.5ml gro,.5ml bloom PH 5.9, TDS=475 /Tap Water out for 24hrs temp.69° /10° runoff/watering as needed but not letting coco go dry/calmag and ph water approx every other watering.
WW and industrial cbd dinafem appear small compared to other journals.....but the plants appear happy. Dont know of im doing anything wrong,e.g. light height -all comments welcome. Thx in advance.
Hello @idiopathic neuropathy ... welcome to your new home :bighug:

Plants are looking great !!

my advise would be to look to other treads for help and advise, don't go looking to compare... that will only put unnessary presure on yourself :biggrin:

all setups are different, work on knowing, and improving yours from grow to grow, that's the best u can do !!
u seems to have done your research, and if any problems arise, u have the full squad to help :cheers:

I also have a WW CBD going, i think she is a day or two ahead of yours :


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as others have said comparing to others grows especially the talented proper growers we have here is only going to result in disapointment.(you could get lucky)maybe after 5 more grows.
to me a first grow is all about making it to harvest,and having a harvest.
temps and humidty im sure there are some perfect numbers to aim for.not below 18c not above 28c im happy with it being anywhere inbetween.humidity anywhere between 35-60% im happy.
the first couple of weeks are so so slow,but then it all takes off from there.
keep er lit and good luck.
100% coco in 3 gallon smart pots, plants ~2 weeks old and healthy, temps and rh in good range.
Confusion- i have read so many coco posts on how to water/feed. Some say treat like soil and let 1st inch to get flaky. Some say dont and water everyday. Some say 10-20 % run off everytime.
Some say nutes every feed while others say feed one day nutes and only ph'd water the next.
Completely confused- the good the plants are green and healthy but may ne a little short.
After watering 2 days ago here is an example pic- would you water or would you wait ????? Looking back maybe i should have used some perlite?