RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

This was lil bit deeper and come to add it all together now the ph started going funky when I started topwatering in the food so apparently it was sitting in very top layer and adding the lil water I did use caused it to finally pull down into soil and shoot whole box ph up too high!
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U can see that was taken lil deeper than 1st test!
I see the 6 comment now. Ya I bottom water a lot but every few waterings I top water. Just felt right. Glad to have the reinforcement of my gut feeling
Yup I watered in 3 gal and 2 were in mid 5’a and 1 gal I just left ph alone! Then siphoned this nasty shit out the reservoir!

Got 1/2 a 5gal bucket out the reservoir and u can see from the hoses how funky ass brown it is..... AND IT STANK LIKE SHIT!:gassy1:
Gonna topwater in some food here soon and then I’ll give it time so any leftover that gets pushed into reservoir I’ll also siphon out! Then tomorrow morning I’ll fill the reservoir and hope they appreciate the work! No more lime going in that’s for sure! Too much of a headache!
Yup I watered in 3 gal and 2 were in mid 5’a and 1 gal I just left ph alone! Then siphoned this nasty shit out the reservoir!
View attachment 1303463
Got 1/2 a 5gal bucket out the reservoir and u can see from the hoses how funky ass brown it is..... AND IT STANK LIKE SHIT!:gassy1:
Gonna topwater in some food here soon and then I’ll give it time so any leftover that gets pushed into reservoir I’ll also siphon out! Then tomorrow morning I’ll fill the reservoir and hope they appreciate the work! No more lime going in that’s for sure! Too much of a headache!
Perhaps clean the res while you are at it
Ya I’ll prob fill the reservoir tonight and let it sit a few and siphon it back out til it’s not all funky as hell! Sucks I used up all my slf100 cuz the enzyme in it seemed to prevent funky reservoir cuz never had this issue before!
He’s fancy yet he doesn’t smoke weed so if I had to guess it’s prob for drying homemade concentrates! He prob has a big ass co2 extractor hidden somewhere outta frame! ;)
No Co2.