RocBud Rocbudinc Genetics

Question on the free automix you normally get w/each order form Roc. i have 5-6 packs, never opened one yet. i'm going to assume there is more than one seed per pack. does anyone know, if i open a pack & find 2- 3 seeds inside, will they all be the same? if i plant all seed that came in a particular pack, will they all be of the same mother, or is each pack truly an assortment of different seeds?
Question on the free automix you normally get w/each order form Roc. i have 5-6 packs, never opened one yet. i'm going to assume there is more than one seed per pack. does anyone know, if i open a pack & find 2- 3 seeds inside, will they all be the same? if i plant all seed that came in a particular pack, will they all be of the same mother, or is each pack truly an assortment of different seeds?
The auto mix are two beans each and could be anything from any auto project he ever did they are not the same beanz always completely random everybody always get something completely different from what I’ve seen lol
Over the last few months, I popped some of Roc's random auto freebies... all have been worthwhile. All good quality and not from floor sweeping...
Few drops ago, I was lucky enough to get the purple bastard eater auto FREEBIE....


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Below average service, in all honesty, but given the atrocious year we all had and the massive influx of new growers, in addition to his hospital stay, I am more than happy to cut Roc some slack.
I wonder how many pages on here are for people complaining about their order or lack of or making excuses for Roc.
Oh, I remember the old days where you sent your cash to a foreign country and hoped and prayed that somebody would be kind enough to send you a few seeds.