Here's a little update. Things are winding down here, the NLxBB was chopped yesterday after about 60 hours of darkness. Meant to chop her on Sunday night after 48 hours but just ran out of time so I gutted her yesterday morning. We'll get to that in a bit
. Finally got my room in order, new AC, new carbon filter/fan x 2, 2nd tent set up (and running), and I have 5 new girls in my life. Temps are 77 and RH is 48% in both tents now, very happy.
So here's a glimpse of the 2
Bio Diesel girls that I chopped last week. They both turned out an impressive (for me anyway) 95 grams of dry/almost cured meds. Stoked :head:
I've never had any diesel strains before... This shit is wild, smells like cat piss, tastes good actually, and hits me with a "creeper" buzz a few minutes after I smoke her. Real nice body buzz thing going on with no anxiety.
I tried to get some closeup pics of some of the buds but they all turned out blurry. I'll try again next time I get the camera out.
Sacrificed on day 86
This is the last known pic of her seen alive
I'm hoping for 2+ zips off of her, she trimmed up nice and is hanging around doing her thing for now. I'll get some nice bud shots after she's dried and semi cured.
Final weights for this grow so far
2 x Bubbleicous = 44 grams
2 x Bio Diesel Mass = 95 grams
1 x NLxBB = ??
I wanted an ounce per plant (5 plants) so it looks like I'll go over that. Very happy, considering 3/4 of this grow was maintained over emails and pictures from 2000 miles away.