Indoor Rifleman's Roost, an Autoflower Deep Water Culture Experience !!!

My dark devil brood 12-11-16 day 4 above ground. These girls already have root threads into the reservoirs. When the seeds cracked I placed them in Rapid Rooters and buried them at the very bottom of my 6" baskets under about 5 or 6 inches of hydroton. Theory being once they popped up they would already have roots in the water and take off faster. If I remember correctly the other dark devils I've grown were slow to take off. I'm hoping to avoid that this time.





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I recently started using the rapid rooters even in my soil grows. Im doing a germ test with a bunch of regular beans that i have excess of. Liking the results of the rooters thouvh
Good to have you back bud....still growing monsters I see:drool:

Are you planning to scrog a DDA? I think that was the main reason my first one yielded more than ones I didn't bend until they were too tall and then ended up supercropping. These girls can grow 4" in a day and seem to end up lanky and with more fluffy bud when just left to grow rather than if if you bend them gently when they are supple enough. Or at least if I was going for a big yield off a single plant that would be my approach with that strain.:pass:
Thanks for the help getting back on AFN @KushNFT. I don't have any plans to train the DDs. You know I follow the lazy growers creed; "If you don't have to do it...don't." :smoking:
Top to bottom, Dark Devils 1 thru 4, day 7. (DD1-DD4) I changed water today since they were in plain tap water since being buried last week. The nutrient soup is 15ml calmag 0-0-0, 12ml mgb, and 30 ml voodoo juice. That gives a nutrient ppm of approx 325ppm for each plant. I'm running AN pH Perfect and a MarsII 1200.

Suggestions, comments, criticisms ? All are welcomed.

Thanks for the help getting back on AFN @KushNFT. I don't have any plans to train the DDs. You know I follow the lazy growers creed; "If you don't have to do it...don't." :smoking:

Exactly why I have 2 big lanky Red Poison Autos in the same res.....hopefully that's an easier way to a bigger yield off these ones. The root masses of the single plants I've run were never than big anyway so I figured there should be room for 2 in a 20L res.