What could be a better segue than this....

It's been a full month to the day that I started messing around with pumps, timers, switches, nutrition, soil, container, etc.. Over this time I've taken my current crop nearing harvest to many extremes, watched shit loads of educational youtube and read way too much for my blinding eyes... But I'm there... and now experimenting with more advanced techinques... but I've got my base program for now...

Let's see if I can bullet this...

Container -
  • Ruth's Tree Farm fabric pots (rice paper thin and translucent)
Medium -
  • Coast of Maine Stonington blend
  • Perlite
  • Stone Dust from various sources
  • Sea 90 minerals
Nutrition -
  • Boogie Brew 1:4 from prenatal to begin of rinse
  • Sea 90 once a week (1 tsp/gal)
  • Spikes (columns of nutrition spikes for flower)*
    • Roots Green Lite/Coast of Main Lobster compost (1 c ea)
    • Rock Phosphate (2 tbs)
    • Greensand (2 tbs)
Irrigation -
  • 1 - 2 x day
  • Controlling portions
You'll notice that I've not included CaMg. I'm trying to see if the mineral rich environment I've created is enough. I'm doing the Sea 90 once a week and it should be a booster too. So I'm hoping that I'm putting in enough of a reserve... I should really do a soil test. Otherwise we may see some Ca and/or Mg def on Esso Decay at some point. She's at 35 days and SFSG. I may just do that soil sample. It's not that I'm against it. I am just trying to see if I can introduce it differently. All the above should do it... I don't know... lol Like I said.. We'll see!!! ugh...

The Stonington soil is THE BOMB! I think they put some kind of narcotic substance in it... I'm addicted already... It is SUPER fluffy and RICH in sea compost and minerals!!! This soil combined with Boogie Brew is nirvana for me and my plants right now.

The irrigation I want is beyond my means and technology in place at the moment. I'm working with the manufacturer of PlantLink, Oso Technologies to fix bugs I found and then I'll be replacing them with a next gen one the'll be introducing this coming spring. I've asked them to be a beta site. They are also giving me the public api so we can write a software controller to do things base on feedback. Once I'm there, I'll fiddle more with an advanced moisture and food deliver method. For now it's back to basics...

Oh yes, I ordered a ROCK box... It's just a bunch of mineral rich rock dust from 'special' places on the planet...

Bottom line. My crop looks super healthy thus far, tending to the crew of 20 is simple as they all get the same nutrition from beginning to end... No more complicated mixing according to age... No more plastic bottles... A lot lower food bill (15 cents per feed)... Last but not least a LOT more FREE time for poor Rhyce Saroni... Wheeee!!!

It's working!!!!

* The spikes are experimental. I saw the guy at TLO soil .com show how to do this. I think mine are pretty conservative. They are intended to be a reserve of P and K that the plant's mature root system will hit just in time for packing on the meat!

Quite interesting, I must say.

I know. I'm blown away. The upcoming HBSS supercrop is going to be the first Mephisto subject that has the spikes. Six more Triangle Kushes too... Now I'll read like mad all about spiking... I figured I had to try something...

Oh yeah... I can't wait to harvest the HBSS and see what the yield is... Twotwo is revived and stacking em up... So yes... I have to pinch myself... Those bottles have a spider web in between them... catching fungus gnats... lol
Oh yes... I did an infrastructure upgrade too... new air conditioner for the lab... so now I have perfect control over temp and humidity which is important on a day like today! 90 and super humid out! Cool and dry in here... so long bud rot...
What's next... well I'm going to do two things. One of them involves cheesecloth and the other marble chips... Can you guess what I'm going to try next?