Dutch Passion Revenge of the AutoUltimates! Grown using the Gas Lantern Routine & Dutch Pro & New LED Spectrum


Aug 4, 2012
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Funny story... first ever crop to die in my hands was AutoUltimate! :slaps: 100% growers fault.

They were also the biggest meanest auto's I've ever seen in my life, reaching 1,7m when they started flowering! Never had I had so many bud sites. I just knew I'd have to have a go at them again.

This will be an experimental grow. Everything about it is new. Never used any of these before.

Strain: Dutch Passion AutoUltimate
Medium: Mapito
Nutes: Dutch Pro AutoFlower A&B, Multi Total, Take Root, Explode
Lights: Hydrogrow LED 450w Penetrator Sol 9 with a brand new spectrum! This new light looks really really cool ! Its not even half as pink and regular LEDs. Its like CFL with a slight salmon tone to it.
Light Schedule: Gas Lantern Routine

So here I am, with a twist. I searched the net near and far, and I think this is a world exclusive! :tiphat:

I shall be using the Gas Lantern Routine light schedule. There are many accounts for it in photoperiod veg, but I've yet to find a fully documented auto-flower grow. If there is, please point me to it.

So what is the Gas Lantern Routine? Well, its a controlled interrupted veg cycled that in photoperiods seems to "pump" the plants with hormones without interrupting veg state, so when they flip they turbo charge into flower. It also seems to cut down on veg time and save electricity. Reports suggest around 30-35% production increase while cutting down 5h electricity per day.

It goes like this

12h hours on
5 1/2 hours off
1 hour on
5 1/2 hours off.

Wish me luck :cool:

Girls were germed last week, 7/7 as usual. 3 got stuck in the root cubes with their shell on, but managed to get help them out. 1 unfortunately didn't survive the stress. Transferred them to the previously hot-washed mapito and fed 0.8 EC pH 5.8, which may seem strong, but Dutch Pro has a much lower feeding strength than usual.

Right now only a GN MS0006 as the 450w would be a waste, but soon enough I'll hang the Sol 9 up.


Now... If I could only remember how on earth to make the pictures big... :no: dammit, can't find the pencil thing to make the images big. Using imgur for the time being







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Will be cool to see if the light cycle will work.
this is such a debated issue with autos. Some strains like this, some that,,,ect.
It doesn't seem as though the light sched. (3 to 4 hrs ether way) will have a drastic affect on the autos.
I hope you dont mind me subbin up on this one.
What is that crazy lookin top soil (media) ya got there.
What is that crazy lookin top soil (media) ya got there.

Happy to have you here! That is not top soil, that is the actual medium. Its called mapito. completely inert, so you use hydro nutes in it. It holds massive amounts of water and air.

About the GL Routine, Auto's are photo agnostic, so the basic theory behind the GL Routine does not hold for auto's. But I firmly believe that auto's need as much rest as they deserve. 24/0 does not convince me. So I hope the GL Routine will do something posivite to them. And auto's have come a long way, so if the hormone theory is correct, then in may well do wonders. Who knows?

If at worse I get a decent yield and save 5h per day withing the same grow period... definitely worth a try I say :howdy:
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Yo Yo Groff :)

It;s all kicking off in here! Gas Lantern Technique ..... Dutch Pro Auto nutes ..... Crazy Ass Medium....Auto Ultimatessss!!

Count me IN!! :D :d5:


(my gas light ... ho-ho-ho) ^_^
The Gas Lantern Routine, a.k.a the 12/1 schedule, a.k.a the Gas Lamp Technique was invented by Reinhard Delp, who also invented the ice water hash extraction.

Hey blue!! Cool to see you! ;)
I though you'd spilt your Corn Flakes lol


hold on ... :no: ... you just gave me an idea... Biobizz amended with Kellogg's :Haha: perfect fiber, aeration and carbs source! :rofl:

Love experimenting!
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its great to see new things being done. Its one of the ways we learn :) and I love the colours in that substrate. Good luck Groff, it will be interesting