Return of the Mush Room

Son of Hobbes

High of the Tiger
Staff member
AFN Admin
Cultivators Club
Oct 8, 2012
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Hey everyone, in light of the recent media attention that psilocybic mushrooms have been getting for medical benefits; we've decided to reinstate the Mush Room. We originally removed it because at the time we want the emphasis of the site to be on cannabis cultivation (and not to have the attached stigma that we're all sitting around tripping on mushrooms lol.) Fastforward years later and now we're seeing even mushrooms decriminalized and even being prescribed as medicine for a variety of mental illness and other related illness.

We asked the staff about it and some of the site members and not a single person came back with any issues with bringing it back forward. We may turn this into a "request" forum, meaning you'd have to agree to the terms to join it/view it, but aside from that we hope it's enjoyed by those that want to learn!
Look take it from someone who has done everything out their their is absolutely no medicinal benefits to mushrooms! I tripped on shrooms and uncle cid for years they fuck your brain up. And as for coke and X molly whatever the kids call it now a days they are drugs real drugs that kill and harm weed is good so dont tarnish the good with the bad keep that shit out of here.
Look take it from someone who has done everything out their their is absolutely no medicinal benefits to mushrooms! I tripped on shrooms and uncle cid for years they fuck your brain up. And as for coke and X molly whatever the kids call it now a days they are drugs real drugs that kill and harm weed is good so dont tarnish the good with the bad keep that shit out of here.

This isn't an acid or drug forum nor would we tolerate those kind of posts/discussions. Mushrooms are proving to provide a host of benefits for PTSD and other mental illnesses. We'll make sure conversation stays on point within this thread; and we've considered making this "by request access" only, so that only those that consent to even wanting access to the content will see it :d5:
Look take it from someone who has done everything out their their is absolutely no medicinal benefits to mushrooms! I tripped on shrooms and uncle cid for years they fuck your brain up. And as for coke and X molly whatever the kids call it now a days they are drugs real drugs that kill and harm weed is good so dont tarnish the good with the bad keep that shit out of here.

That hasn’t been my experience at all, mushrooms are incredibly healing for me. After years of treatment and dozens of medications for anxiety and depression I tried mushrooms in my early twenties and it was like a switch flipped in my brain, instant relief I was normal again, I could feel again and have relationships. That would only last for about 4 months or so and I would have to re dose, they made me a more open and compassionate person and helped me develop a sense of connection with the world. People don’t treat them with respect and use them as a party drug, that’s part of the problem. But in my opinion plant teachers like mushrooms have a huge potential for medicinal usage, we’ve forgotten our ancient symbiosis with these plants. Just like how cannabis doesn’t provide healing for everyone, neither do mushrooms but writing them off as hard drugs like cocaine is just narrow minded. Psilocybin is extremely safe, debateably safer than thc due to the lack of carcinogens in consumption
Look take it from someone who has done everything out their their is absolutely no medicinal benefits to mushrooms! I tripped on shrooms and uncle cid for years they fuck your brain up. And as for coke and X molly whatever the kids call it now a days they are drugs real drugs that kill and harm weed is good so dont tarnish the good with the bad keep that shit out of here.
Not wanting to argue with you Jc420 but I have seen people throw their lives away just doing too much pot back in the day.

I used to pick magic mushrooms and went through many lbs of it back in the 70's and probably tried most everything as well.

I think if people look into the use of Mushrooms they will find it is included in a group of drugs like mdma, dmt, lsd and others that are being used to treat things like ptsd, depression, addiction and much more. The key is set and setting with medical supervision or just having a trusted friend there during the use.
Mixing drugs and alcohol or any other drugs was the cause of many troubles for people back then. I say just as weed has it's place so do shrooms.
I do agree that caution should be used with any drug including weed.
Lot's of great evidence, and not just from the "hippy dippies" that these substances help. I suffer from chronic migraine, and although psilocybic is stated as being more for cluster migraines I have had many people say to try microdosing. Not a full out get crazy dumbass messed up, but enough to hopefully help.

Both hands up for a place to discuss this, with others that are trying to ease issues that are life destroying (I can't keep a job due to the migraines and associated depression and crippling anxiety from being sick all the time).

I am actually nervous about trying mushrooms but if I can chat with like minded folks especially those who have experienced it, great!

Thank you @Son of Hobbes @Mossy and all :bighug:

For anyone thinking this is a terrible idea, I almost DIED from one of the prescriptions I was put on, it put me into severe tachycardia. Not to mention the other one that stopped me from sweating, so working in a greenhouse I was lucky I only got "mild heat exhaustion". So.... Yeah... Everyone is entitled to their opinion, so I like the request option so only those with something to contribute and want to be there can drop in.
growing up in a heavily miltarized zone,every drug under the sun was easier got hold of than weed.easier smuggled,and i tried everything before i tried weed.infact i was smoking hash for 10 years before i ever knew what a weed plant of bud looked like :shrug:
states and countries legalizing shrooms is more about microdosing,than getting whinged off our tits like we did in our youth :dizzy:
There is growing evidence that psilocybin can have beneficial effects at least for chronic depression if not for a significant list of other mental disorders. I think that an online site whose purpose is to enlighten interested individuals about this substance, and serve as a location for discussion among interested individuals is a no-brainer, in my opinion.

Whether some chunk of AFN should be the location of this site is another matter. Personally, I do not mind one way or the other. OTOH, how does discussion of psilocybin relate to the original purpose of AFN, which one assumes was more related specifically to the cultivation and appreciation of autoflowering cannabis?

It could be argued that, however needed and beneficial, a site for psilocybin interests should be a separate forum. OTOH, piggybacking onto an existing site like AFN could accomplish the intended end more efficiently (perhaps by far) than starting a new site from scratch.

Good luck with getting this sorted with the membership, and thanks for making the effort here whether or not psilocybin ends up part of this site.